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What is our role?

Today, I’m truly truly sad. In Zurich, where I grew up, the birds have disappeared from the trees, are not waking me up with their chants any more. What is it, what has changed? Is it the 5G ? The pesticides? I don’t know if you remember the times when our headlamps were full of insects…. 7 years ago, there were still hundreds, thousands… today, it is barely that we cross one insect on our trips. I remember the dead hedgehogs next to the streets, when is the last time you’ve seen a dead hedgehog? It’s not about them being dead, but it’s the number of animals that are disappearing, slowly slowly, without us being really aware of that. Until we notice!

The last few years have been a huge learning for me. I understood that next to the beauty that we all experience, there was a very dark side to all this. Our Yin and Yang. This is what duality is all about, it is about up and down, light and darkness… Our two wings, left and right. I was always very good in recognizing our divine inner, of understanding who we are, I just love people, animals, plants, the ocean, so much… It’s such a gift!… But there is something we need to see as well, it is important if we want to overcome these times, we need to understand that no, not everything is beautiful out there, we need to understand that we are the slaves of a system that uses/eats up/consumes our energy… making us weaker, in order to make THEM stronger.

Until now, we didn’t really see it, it was well hidden in our education, it was always there, we just didn’t see it! It’s well packed in all domains of our lives, reaching from education, to the money system, to food to medication, to religions, cultures, wars, since so loooong… it only shows in one common denominator, separation!

And everything is coming to the surface now! It’s huuuuge…

A week ago, I was reading this article from Collective Evolution https://urlz.fr/9y3t, it was like the last thing I needed to understand in order to see the full issue of what’s really going on here. Then, my husband showed me a photo he took in London of one of the sculptures with the writing City of London on it, showing a dragon-devil with a red mouth sucking his tail… Next to what the implementation of the 5G really means for us (all the stories are also on www.7sky.life), next to having seen atrocious pictures from organ trafficking, human trafficking, being aware of the satanic rituals, and the list goes on…

We all know that there is disclosure, that the masks are falling in order to see what’s behind it… and this is happening right now, in our world 3D. No, we won’t change everything if we don’t see all this, this what is happening now is what Jesus has prepared us for in representing the Christ energy. This energy available to all of us while entering our faith… This is why we are all here right now. Feeling thumb on the one hand, and on the other hand, I believe that we have immense help coming from awakened people, lightbeing and outer space. Check out this shot, for me, underneath, it’s a spaceship, and on top, a heart. The pleaiadiens say that we are 4.5 billions of invisible and visible beings helping at the moment to liberate the earth from the claws of the non-light that has hold us in prison for such a long time. And imagine, just now at the second I write this I get a message from a beautiful painter, ‘the event is hapenning’ (this spelling on facebook), that says: “I’ll invite you into my magic world – angels world! Angels are messengers from God. They protect us, guide us, symbolize a greater force that is watching over us, directing us, sheltering us, or trying to show us something important, which is hidden. Here we can discover and share a lot. Thank you“ There is no coincidence. We are so much guided. My wonderful friend Valeria writes to me, no worry, Coco, the birds are coming back… No, I do not believe we have already arrived at the bottom of where we need to go in order to understand. I just believe that we ALL need to open our eyes and hearts to the non-light. And envelop them in our LOVE! Because if we react to the fear, we just continue to create duality. But if we act from our heart, we enter the UNITY that is so much needed here! Togetherness… Holding hands… Knowing that we can count on each other. Feeling that we are FAMILY… Such a BIG family…

So let’s all ask ourselves? What is our role right now, right here?

I know that I’ll get into my strength again, but I also know that I right now need time of integration… And I do strongly believe that all of us understanding the issues that are played here have a big role to play in this great times of transition into a definitely super bright, light, free future… The time is now…

Wow… Love and light to all of us, beautiful brothers and sisters… And so much gratitude.

Coco Tache supports

Important newsletter from Christina von Dreien to the theme of 5G‼


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