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What can we do together now for our earth ? The New Earth Manifesto

Our world as it was is over, and will not come back in this form. It is an illusion to believe that we can resurrect the former ‘normality’. And all the better: because without noticing it, with a very egoistic behavior, we were on the way with giant karacho into an abyss, from which there was no escape.

So that this does not happen, a divine plan provides for it. This plan has its origin in every human soul, and certainly also in every living creature. Here everything works together without us being aware of it. Here solutions are searched for, here contracts are concluded and here we work collaborate. Here also every man and every woman with their individual decisions fulfills exactly the right tasks tailored to themselves.

In this plan we are now, and there everyone works diligently also concretely together. But this is beyond our understanding. For many, the outside seems brutal and hopeless.

But behind every despair, there is great hope. Behind every soul a plan, and on the way into the abyss a decision opens up for every man and for every woman: How do I decide NOW? Do I let myself fall, or do I open my wings? Do I connect with my soul, with my spirit, or do I surrender to the ‘seemingly’ inevitable?

In order to stimulate this decision, and to let a clear and realizable vision emerge, how our world could also look like, for this we have worked out a New Earth Manifesto with dozens of experienced people, who are active in the different areas, completely in the knowledge that if we firmly anchor this vision in our hearts, live it daily and radiate it with our emotions, we will manifest it.

The New Earth Manifesto is consequently an invitation to connect with the positive, to turn away from all the bad ‘Corona Times News’ pelting down on us by the ton if we don’t know how to isolate ourselves from it. It is the plan of the ‘storytellers’ to get our attention, because it is our fear that feeds their hunger for power. And yet, it is ‘our fear’. WE are the triggers of this fear, and if we are, we also have the opportunity to transform it… into hope and into love. With this self-responsible decision, we put a stop to the storytellers. And from this attitude, by also remembering who we are, we create the new.

Just reading The New Earth Manifesto stimulates our soul, connects us with our true core, gives us hope, joy and triggers our enthusiasm. It cranks up our inventiveness and lets us come back to ourselves within seconds or minutes.

And to arrive in our core and in our self and to crank up our creative powers again, that’s what this time is all about. That’s what the Manifesto is about. To reconnect with ourselves and with all life, and to ask ourselves more and more the question : What can we do together now for our earth ?

The time is ripe to connect and surround ourselves with positives, to become aware of ourselves again, to connect and surround ourselves with like-minded people and to birth the New Earth, each in our own way, each with our beauty, each with our individual and incredible radiance.

With all our love and gratitude,

Your Coco & Catharina***

Please find the English Version of the New Earth Manifesto HERE.

Coco Tache supports

""I only earn a few coins every day, but I am filled with joy and friendship. " REINIER SIJPKENS


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