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We create our New Living Spaces

The changes that are currently taking place on our planet are much greater than we are aware of.
From all areas, insights are reaching us from realities that we were not even aware of before, because we did not even think about them.

That we as humanity have completely separated ourselves from the living organism that is nature is only now becoming clearer to us… that something cannot be FOR life if it brings about destruction, suffering and hardship is something many of us do not even think about.

Everything on our earth is geared towards HEALING. Towards EVOLUTION. So are we. But as long as the old structures are stuck in our fields, the effort to get out of these clutches seems too great for us to set out.

But the TIME has COME when the NEW may be born without any effort.
Simply by surrendering to the power that works through us. Step by step.

By no longer trying to control what so ever, but waiting for the moment to do something, when it happens out of the impulse of creation and not out of a feeling of lack.

It is also very important in this process to meet in real. To give up our mobile phones, to look your fellow human beings in the eye, to hang up your daily tasks for a moment and to get to know new people around exciting topics.

This is happening all over the world at the moment. Within a very short time, we are torn out of our everyday ruts, experience inspiration and joy, and suddenly our world looks quite whole, despite the distorted image that continues to be projected at us from the outside.

And to prepare ourselves for the times ahead, we are ALL INVITED to set out on the path that will allow us to experience the highest joy. And here, everyone is doing his or her part.

The dreamteam of the New Earth Manifesto and LivingEarth, for example, invite you to a 6-day event from 2-7 July 2022 at Schloss Haggenberg in Vienna’s Weinviertel, where the focus will be on CREATING OUR NEW LIVING SPACES. The event is held in German.. with a possible English translation, following of how many people register.

The questions that will be answered here are: How do I want to live in the future, with whom? And where? How can I contribute as a human being with my gifts, talents and abilities, and step by step simply follow the voice of my heart? What do I have to pay attention to? If I want to start something new, how can I best get started? And what are the main pillars of a well-functioning society?

During this important week with experts from all fields, we are made aware of how little we have been given in terms of basic knowledge during our ‘mandatory’ school years. And how VERY much we are now invited to BE PART OF THE SOLUTION we want for our Earth. All of us, pioneers of our New Living Earth, are being called upon individually today to walk THE PATH that we feel deep within ourselves is right. Not because it is for ”my” own gain, but because it essentially serves the whole of life on earth.

We are looking forward to you!
Already now, at https://thenewearthmanifesto.com/en/
At our seminar https://livingearth.academy/goodie/neuelebensraeume/
In the future, on our LivingEarth portal: https://livingearth.one/EN/

And if you already want to share a beautiful story, https://www.7sky.life is looking forward to your contribution.


You need more info, send send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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