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We are Peace – Christina von Dreien’s incredible Peace Project, about to conquer the world

We are just SO in love with this 17 old girl Christina von Dreien ! She just just published this incredible Peace Project, WE ARE PEACE, and there is no better day to share it with you than today, 21st December 2018, the Winter Solstice Day… May it help all of us to come into our truth and to help our world flourish in the right way. Because it is in our hands. And because we are so much more thank we think we are.

Christina von Dreien:

“Peace is not a sudden state that just comes into being. Peace is a decision – of every single person, extending to all countries.”

We all want peace in the world and for the world. It is time that we understand: We are responsible for the earth. We as a population are the ones who will bring change to the world. If we really want peace in the world, then we should understand that outer peace requires inner peace first.

It is time that we lovingly confront violence on earth with love and that we live from our hearts. Our hearts are nothing other than love that speaks itself out as truth, embodies itself as a human being, feels like joy and lives as freedom.

“Because we are human beings, we learn to understand what it means to change with and through love, to live with truth and to think with freedom.”

The key to peace is not politics, but us as a world population. In the moment when the hearts of a group of people beat in the same rhythm, focused on peace and light for this world, the door of peace and freedom is opened for all humanity.

We have a free will. It is therefore up to us whether we say YES to peace and begin to live peace, or whether we still hesitate. When we say YES and start acting like peace, we start changing the world. It is important that we understand that every little action has an effect. We are all connected in the human field. Anyone who does something small for peace at home on the physical level sends his action into the global human field and adds another global peace spark to the field.

The key to the gate of peace and freedom for humanity lies in the common alignment of our hearts. And the key to common alignment is to live what we carry in our hearts. The more people live their hearts, the more this ability, this information, will flow into the human field. And the greater this ability is in the human field, the easier it will be for the people who will come in the future.

Every person who lives his heart will light the fire of love and help to light the still dark torches so that everyone gets the chance to carry the fire of love within and to walk through the gate of peace and freedom. For peace on the outside begins with peace within ourselves. Every person is called to embody his own heart in his life in order to anchor love, truth and freedom here, to let peace arise and to let the fire of love shine.

Below you will find some suggestions with the help of which you can raise your own and thus also the global vibration to a new level, so that peace manifests itself – in small as well as in greatness!

  1. say yes to your life. It is an honour to be here as a human being.
  2. search your truth not in the outside, but in your own inside.
  3. realize that every peaceful action, no matter how small, is woven into a global energetic field. So you contribute directly to world peace.
  4. let love come into your life in all its different forms, such as: Gratitude, joy, acceptance, forgiveness, honesty.
  5. be grateful and recognize the value of every second of your past and present.
  6. feel your heart and live it, follow your heart impulse. Your heart leads you with the truth of the moment to where it is right for you now.
  7. give yourself the right to come into contact with the Source of Creation.
  8. meet the children at eye level.
  9. Do not resonate with unlit actions.
  10. Be aware that everything you send out will fall back on you.
  11. Forgive all people who are now in your life or who were in your life in the past.
  12. Respect the free will of all your fellow human beings, regardless of their nationality and appearance.
  13. Do what you enjoy and what pleases you. Love yourself.
  14. Live your calling.
  15. Live the change in you and in your life that you would like to see in the world.
  16. You can either accept or change a situation that is no longer for your divine good – or you can create a better one.
  17. respect nature and recognize its beauty.
  18. Turn away from all media channels that pull you down and deal with positive things.
  19. keep in touch with people who do you good.
  20. Listen to what your body tells you and be aware that all physical diseases always have an origin in your mental and/or emotional life.
  21. As soon as you are in your heart, your vibration immediately increases. You don’t have to do more for it.
  22. Do not harm a living being in thoughts, words or deeds.
  23. Love is the most transformative force that exists in the world. Use it and meet every violence with love and compassion.
  24. your voice changes the world. We live in the world and together we carry the responsibility for it.

Coco Tache supports

Christina Meier von Dreien – a 16-year old girl in service of Peace and Light


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