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We are not alone, extra-terrestrieals exist, and what they want us to believe

Do you believe in extra-terrestrials? Well I do. It hasn’t always been like that, but too many dots came together for me in order to prove this theory right.
And in fact, I do believe that we are of those numerous people left behind in the ignorance of this so great fact, that they are amongst us, that they belong to us, that they are here to help us, and the planet! And that most of what we see in the science fiction movies does actually exist.
Lately, I’ve gone through many youtube Videos, and it’s so obvious what’s going on. Our world is changing, still behind closed curtains (we’d never read this in the Mainstream Media, but the big guys they all know about it), but it won’t take long until certainties will come to the surface. We’ll all be here with our mouths big open, and this huge AHA-moment, asking ourselves how we could have thought that we are alone in the universe? That entities exist that control our mind? And that we are so much more than we thought we are.
This video from this excellent Simon Parkes just came to us, explaining beautifully in 11 minutes time what’s going on here on the earth, that we are not alone, how the dark forces proceed with us and the children and through which ways, and that the future is bright if we stand to our truth and let our lights shine.
We just need to remember who we are, enflame our hearts, and react on aggression not with hate, but with love.

Please fasten your seatbelts, ready, steady, GO

Coco Tache supports

WikiLeaks shows how CFR controles the most of the medias


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