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We are entering the Aquarius Age…

Christmas 2020 with this incredible constellation where Saturn and Jupiter join, same phenomenon that showed like the star of Bethlehem the night Jesus was born, is going to it’s end. It leaves in front of us a non-touched and not created future, that we are all invited to co-create. The only thing we know is that this era has a name. It’s called the age of Aquarius.

It leaves behind the much darker era, the Pisces age, built on a much more masculine dual energy that lasted 2150 years. What now comes and what we are invited to co-create is a much more feminine, uniting, receiving, inclusive energy which is also going to last 2150 years. This energy also brings us to the 1967 song Aquarius, which was created by a band called 5th Dimension and played in the musical Hair. And here we are again. This song, same as many many prophecies, have been announcing these times ahead of us. From a much more mind and material focused reality into a heart-centered world. The ‘60s hippie mouvement was a for-runner. And it is really up to all of us for creating the new, now, together. Together with ‘Awake’s wonderful filmmaker Catharina Roland we’ve prepared a Manifest of the New Earth, inviting all of us to collaborate on it and bringing your ideas and visions in it before we publish it definitely I n January-February with all your contributions. You can find the paper on www.7sky.life in all three languages French/German and English. It was posted 23rd December.

Coco Tache supports

The manifest of the new earth


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