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Water Meditation in Greece

Earlier this year I had a vacation in Kalamata (in the southern part of Greece), where the olive trees are part of the landscape and the sun keeps shining even in winter times. One afternoon I was on a ride on my “Birdy” (foldable bicycle), when I suddenly saw some beautiful scenery down at the seashore. I parked my bike at the side of the street and climbed down to the rocks, took my smartphone (I didn’t have my large camera with me) and made this 6-min video on a tiny tripod. This is not the first Water Meditation I filmed. Although being a non-swimmer I love to be at rivers, lakes or at a seashore and I can spend hours in these locations. If you need a moment of tranquility, watch this video and relax. You may also dream of being at some distant destination of your choice. As soundtrack I chose a fitting piece of my musician-friend Parichayaka Hammerl, a native Austrian, but already for a long time active in Jamaica, NY as an art director for various projects. Parichayaka’s music give many of my videos an extra quality and are nicely mingling with the moving pictures.

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