What is real intelligence? – 7SKY.LIFE

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What is real intelligence?

Dear ones,

Lately I often hear people say that thanks to Corona people are “waking up” at the moment when they see more of what is really happening in the background on earth and also in the universe. On TV and in most newspapers they don’t show us what’s going on in the background and it’s true that it takes a certain alertness to see what’s really going on behind the scenes. But I don’t see that a person who sees behind the curtain is really awakened because of that. He is partly awakened, in a part that has to do with “knowledge”. But the biggest part of awakening is to realize that we are multidimensional beings, that we are love under all the layers and programs we have acquired in our incarnations. That we realize that we have an immortal soul.

Many people believe that they are awake when they have become more aware of the what’s happening behind the curtains, but they forget that true, complete awakening involves us remembering. Of what we really are and why we came here. Someone who awakens more and more also knows more and more what he really is. At the same time, he can also question things, because he knows that we see in this game a lot of theatre. Someone who awakens also begins to realize that intelligence is much more than what most people understand by this word. We often associate intelligence with people who develop ideas in their heads that not everyone can come up with just like that. But these are not always just good ideas.

There are people who are very intelligent in their heads and create weapons that can think around corners. Others create plans on how best to create wars. But someone who creates something with his head that harms nature and/or its creatures is not intelligent. He’s stupid.

I just read an article, that just now, while everyone is staring at Corona, in the background the rainforests and other woods are being cut down in a much greater extent and in a great rush. In South America, in Asia, in Europe…worldwide. Every 6 minutes a piece of forest as big as a football field. There is probably nothing more stupid than the destruction of one’s own livelihood. So intelligence does not simply mean that someone has many ideas or makes inventions, but true intelligence is connected to the heart and uses the ideas to protect life, to preserve life.  So if we look at the world, we must conclude that very many people who have influence show strong signs of stupidity. But these people confuse this with intelligence.

But it is also true that us as a collective have helped to promote all these developments. Otherwise it could not have come to this. And so it is not surprising that in the near future, things will come up that will be challenging for us and which we have never experienced before. In the end everything will turn out well, I know that. But until then it will be a rollercoaster, because the old system doesn’t want to leave and everything will be done to get a grip on humanity. But love will remain and everything else will go because the earth continues to increase its vibration, despite all that is happening with men.

We need people now and in the future who do not just wake up to knowledge, but to their heart and therefore to their consciousness. Who will use their intelligence, which grows from their heart, for the good of all. Because only this is true intelligence, destruction is stupidity. To connect with other people who also want a loving, true, intelligent cooperation in this world is more important than ever.

Your Christina

P.s. If it feels right to you, you can join another great worldwide mass meditation June 30. For a constructive cooperation and the so important common focus on the good. You can find more information on www.transinformation.net.

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