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Why not miss the 7sky.life Connection from 28th November in Zurich?

Because on that evening in the Kaufleuten will be told, what’s life really about, and YOU’RE MOST WELCOMED TO JOIN!

Short, exciting interventions of people who have gone to the bottom of the question of their essence are going to share their answers generously with our audience.

DIETER BROERS is a gifted bio-physician, author and life artist. He himself developed 100 patents for healing and free energy, proving scientifically where we stand with our earth today, and what our great chances are to live right now!

VERA BRANDES, worked for a long time in the music industry, before she devoted herself 100% to the healing of the people through music medicine. Her scientific research results go under the skin and the success against depression, sleep disorders, and body curings through music are resounding!

We are speaking of a VINCENT MUNIER, an extraordinary photographer out of France, who shows us the world through his photographs and encounters with animals from the most lost corners of our world, from where man has forgotten to live. Get ready for of a proper dose of nostalgia and a deep dive into your innermost self.

Furthermore, MERCY SHIPS presents us the grace they are experiencing each time when their doctors and nurses bring back to life patients through their attention, love and surgeries. People,living in the shadow of their villages, who are often excluded from their communities due to their fearful tumours,

NICOLAS MÜLLER has always been a snowboarding idol. Ever since, he has lived the life he always wanted, and has become a fantastic model for a whole generation of young people. Fruition reflects his authentic career, and at the same time the generation Y!

BAPTISTE DELALAY has been linked to the wheelchair for five years, but he has such a presence and radiates such a love that we believe him when he says that his accident had to be, so that he can help bring the the beauty of people who appear to be different into daylight!

FABRICE LECLERC is an ethical innovator. He says that the secret of all change is not to focus all our energies on fostering the old, but to build a positive ‘new’ for all. Fabrice worked with Steve Jobs for 4 years, and advises large corporations and companies on ethical and sustainable questions.

Our enchanting AURELIA is going to accompany us with her partner RICHARD at the piano throughout the evening… When she sings, time stops, and she offers us her whole being! … Aurélia is pure magic and beauty in person!

The evening goes on with DJG96 …

In collaboration with our highly esteemed partners: Swisscom, Henniez, euforia, wemakeit, NiceFuture, Discover Earth, Impact Hub Zurich


19h30 Door opening, Apéro
20h15 Beginning of the Conference
20h15-20h30 Presentation 7sky.life & Partners Coco & Yvi
20h30-20h35 Aurélia & Richard music
20h35-20h45 Vincent Munier
20h45-20h55 Sandro Graf, Mercy Ships
20h55-21h05 Nicolas Müller
21h05-21h10 Aurélia & Richard music
21h10-21h50 Vera Brandes & Dieter Broers
21h50-21h55 Aurélia & Richard music
21h55-22h05 Baptiste Delalay
22h05-22h15 Fabrice Leclerc
22h15-22h30 Final bouquet
22h30- DJG96

For inscription HERE

Coco Tache supports

7sky.life Connection 'Zero Field' im Kaufleuten Zürich, am 28. November 16


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