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From darkness into light. How do we get out of this crisis? With Uwe Burka

Many of us are probably aware that we are currently experiencing an unprecedented crisis, in which our financial system has become autonomous and could collapse at any time. However, financial speculators, the media, politicians and large corporations are trying desperately to keep the neoliberal system alive. The Corona fear-mongering and the restrictions of basic rights are supposed to help them to stay in power. But the question we should all ask ourselves is, how do we get out of this crisis?

For more than 35 years Uwe Burka has been working intensively on post-capitalist forms of life and economy, in which the developing human being is at the center of attention and not money or digital technology.
In this conference in the Espace durable in Château d’Oex, he talks about the real role of large distributors like the Coop, which actually belongs to the people (the 2.5 million subscribers to the weekly Coop magazine) and should have the welfare of its producers, its consumers and its employees as its first priority.
Uwe shows that this is unfortunately no longer the case due to the neoliberal orientation of the management and how they deprive the members of their co-determination! Furthermore, he talks about the importance of joining forces directly with organic farms to ensure their and our survival and at the same time rebuild the humus in our soil. Of course, education is also addressed, and it should become clear to everyone how important the direct contact of children with nature is. How much children can learn in a kindergarten on a farm. And also how much we have forgotten how to ask our neighbors: What do you need? He talks about the fear attitude, and what it does to us, and invites us to understand ourselves as a living organism and to connect more and more with the spirit in order to get the answers to the questions we all have. He explains how neoliberalism came into being in the 70’s-80’s, and how the real economy has given way to a ‘speculative economy’. An economy without a firm foundation, which is our capitalist system today.

And it is in this debt system built on sand, which makes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, that we are currently moving. The question is, until when? And what is it that we need to understand and do today in order to build a new world together, which will promote and recognize the potential of each individual, and which at the same time provides the most fertile soil for the development of mankind?

Coco Tache supports

How to escape the growth trap!


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