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Our values

The time has come to ask ourselves why we do what we do? Well, our response is simple! Throughout our 25 years of publishing, we’ve met, portrayed and interviewed some of the most amazing people out there, we’ve come to know incredibly inspiring organisations, initiatives and companies. We have found OUR main motivation in life, our goal: to connect the world on a heart level and spread people’s beautiful stories, inspiring initiatives and exemplary companies into the world, based on the values Positivity, Love, Responsibility and Creativity.

Our biggest wish is to offer words and images, which help you find your own power to get into self realization, to step into your potential, into JOY, wherever you are, whatever you do!…


We can always choose to be positive or negative! We all have the Yin and the Yang, the dark and the bright in us. We also always have the choice to explore our negative feelings and to embrace challenging situations in our lives and see them as opportunities to grow. The law of attraction offers us the same vibration we send out in return. So it is a choice to be kind, to think and feel positive, to thrive for the good and to willingly attract more positivity in our lives, more positive people, more positive events!


While loving, we can only build beauty! Love is the most amazing glue out there! When two lovers meet, they create LIFE! Friends create projects. Love is the answer to all our questions. By letting love reign, peace, harmony, equality, magic and beauty manifest. Love is all there is, it’s You and ME, it’s US, all living beings, fauna and flora! We are here to experience our differences but what really thrives all of us, deep within ourselves, is LOVE… It is up to us to enter our frequency and become a messenger of love!


We do know today, in 2015, that ‘we are the ones we’ve been waiting for’ Hopi Indians! We greatly need to be aware that the change we want to see in this world can only come from us. What we experience on the outside is simply the reflection of how we feel inside. So let’s (totally) become 100 % responsible for our actions and what we attract in our lives, and let’s BE! the change we want to see in our world!


By experiencing positivity, love and responsibility, we become creative, joyful. We are going to ‘live’ our creativity on a daily basis and enhance our world with our talent and gifts. Creativity is a natural result of being aligned with ourselves.




Dreamteam supports

"Vera"- mother of all sloths, biologist


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