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About the soul

By Christina von Dreien

Dear ones,

The other day someone asked me what the soul actually is.

It depends on the definition. People sometimes understand different things by “soul”. For me, the soul is that part of us that came from the Source in the very beginning. So the soul is divine and pure love. Our soul carries the divine spark and consciousness that is connected to the Source.

The soul is ethereal, immortal and can also incarnate, for example in a human body. Then the soul splits up. In body and spirit. So its consciousness also goes into the body, so that our body has an independent consciousness. So when we are incarnated, we have the body consciousness and the mind consciousness.

Our soul is pure love at its core. When we incarnate, it can happen that we are separated from our true essence, love, e.g. by shocks. If we are separated from love, we also separate from the connection to our soul.

When people awaken, the exact opposite happens. They reconnect with their soul and thus come back into contact with the love that they really are.

The world we currently live in is largely designed to keep us away from our soul. Through the harmful substances we can take in through food or air, through most of the news we hear and see in newspapers, radio and television, through certain music we listen to, etc.

This is why it is so important that we always remember what we actually want: To be what we already are under layers of “wrapping paper”: Love.

I sometimes do it like this: when I’m sitting in a train, I look at people and send them my love. I know that many are asleep. But since I was born here on earth, I have a picture inside me of how beautiful humanity really is. And it is this image that I think about by sending my love to them. Because I know that people really are so beautiful. They were originally thought of as being beautiful beings and to protect and care for the earth and everything that lives on it. I still see that. It is just a little buried, with some more than others. But all humans carry this beauty within them.

Your Christina

Die Vision des Guten supports

LoveVirus Minifestival by Coco Tache, Château d'Oex, 2nd to 7th August 2020


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