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15th March 2019 is a big day for Mother Earth. Change is coming. We are the change, us, the people

The change is coming. We are the change. Us, the people. Greta Thunberg came, saw, acted, and is about to succeed. 100 countries and the children and people of more than 1200 places on Earth are going to go on the streets tomorrow, 15th March, because this young 15 year old lady one day stated, that it is not right going to school while our earth is perishing, by our foolish unreflected consumption drive. Which is only until we wake up to ourselves and start to understand that we are much more than the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, our possessions, the status and wealth and even the bodies we live in, and that we can rebuild what we have destroyed! Now!

There is a beautiful story on 7sky.life called ‘Once upon a time,  there was a rich king who had four wives’, that we suggest you to read, next to so many other great stories that bring us further to ourselves and to our truth. So, what are YOU going to do tomorrow? How are you going to show your love for mother earth? Together with our partner PuraWorka, we’ll support the KlimaFest Zermatt, where these hot themes, what the people and the resorts can do directly, are going to be discussed and put into practice. And as well, next to our platform 7sky.life, here to share the important information in this transition time, the next 7sky.life Connection VII Lausanne 23rd May in the Casino de Montbenon carries the name and message: ‘Together, now’, Save the date, sign in, be there if you can, and together, let’s be the change for which we came here this time ☺.

We greatly recommend to listen to Greta Thunberg’s very clear message here, and to often check out 7sky.life and 7sky.life Facebook for their latest posts, and to sharing the stories, revelations, visions of our  new world we’re building all together, now.

Coco Tache supports

If the solutions in the system are so impossible to find, then maybe we should change the system itself. Greta Thunberg


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