One of these days you feel your energy just flowing, full of love, radiant. And you feel that each encounter you have with another beings is just pure bliss. There is no coincidence.
At these moments, you also realize that you have left many obstacles behind, the obstacles that have made you grow ! Well, today is such a day for me, and I want you to be part of this. I want you to feel and understand as well that it is never only the coming out of something that matters, but really the path leading to it. The people we meet on this path, the challenges we encounter, the ups and downs, our reactions, our acceptance, and at the end, this incredible feeling of the completance of life.
We’ve just posted a story from the swami Gaur Gopal Das, explaining this so well. And we’re also greatly advancing on our Connection Event of the 1st June in the Casino Montbenon of June, where we’ll offer some topics maybe never really heard before. Exceptionnal people, leaning out wide of the window, opening new ways and vision and bringing the new to our lives !
Please follow us on facebook, come to our events, start sharing your stories, your love, sell under ‘buy now’ the products, services you offer the world and be part of this beautiful Tribe that is building right now, with one common denominator. Make it happen ! Make happen that change that we have come for !