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There is an infinite power in us against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance…

I’ve been thinking about that much, lately… How comes that there are so many forces put into keeping our energy low? The chemtrails, bad news, glyphosate, the list is endless… Why is so much effort put into not letting us know who we really are? Well, we all start to know that there is something in the emptiness! And that our feelings create the world we’re living in… Gregg Braden brings all this on the point in this video. By telling the story of the 7 weeks early premature twin sisters who got separated the night after their birth, we understand how pictures create automatically emotions going with them. He names this the language of human emotions, a language our western tradition has lost 1700 years ago. A language, though, that has remained remembered in ancient and indigenous traditions, and that is making its way back to our consciousness.

He says that as these images create a feeling, they stimulate the power of our hearts, and it is with this language that we create our world. Our feelings are therefore a language, a power that lives inside of our bodies. A language that bypasses the judging, the filters, the questioning, the logic. A language that happens directly in our bodies and has a direct effect on what’s going on in our world.

In the monasteries of Egypt, Tibet and Peru, this language of feelings has been kept. He shows the example of a woman with cancer, who got healed in only 3 minutes. So, when human emotions can heal cancers, what else can our emotions heal and create?!

Gregg says that modern science is beginning to understand that we are not powerless specks of dust. In the contrary, we are powerful creators changing our world and the universe while walking along. Albert Einsteins thought that our world existed independently of the humans and would continue to exist if we leave it, but Professor John Wheeler from the Princeton University, still alive today, and a compatriot of his says exactly the contrary, using the same data. He says that we could not even imagine a universe that would not contain us because it is the act of us observing the universe that makes the universe as it is…. He says that we are living in a participatory universe. That we are not controlling it, but we are co-creating…

Imagine… Loving it! So this scientist says that our consciousness creates our universe.

Which means that, our feelings and believes create the world we’re living in. And where do our beliefs come from? From books, parents, school, universities, education, history… and if they were wrong? What, if we lived in a belief that is completely wrong?

So, this sentence says it all: The power of belief is an infinite power against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance… Please read- and reread it all over again, until full integration. It is our consciousness that creates our physical universe.

So, let’s discover our ancient language, and together, let’s create the universe we want- and we are going to live in. As a family.. in love!


Coco Tache supports

Which God do you follow? And the social and unsocial cell-example…


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