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The right moment

By Christina von Dreien

Dear friends,

Society always says how “things should be done”. But just be the way you are. Those who find that good will stay. And the others you don’t need anyway. So many people wear masks. It is so important to live out what the soul wants and not what society wants.

There’s a saying: “Everyone should be individual – but woe betide anyone who’s different!”

We need people who act differently. Very few things are carved in stone. Very few things are really fixed. And these things we can change – with our changed behaviour.

At some point, someone who has heard of a new idea steps forward. To begin with, these people are still alone. But then, when the time is right, hundreds and thousands come, and they’re there of their own free will – then changes can happen.
Changes happen when a large amount of people move in the same direction at the same time.

If we want the future to be good, we need to focus on solutions. We also have to be able to laugh at ourselves, handle things with humour! We can only gain these experiences as human beings. It’s unique, use the opportunity!

(Christina in Erding 28/10/2018)


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