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The last word is not spoken.. a must watch documentary

This documentary is a must in order to understand where we have landed, why, who pull the strings.. for letting us understand that us, humans with heart and soul, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and we are going to rewrite the story.. together, we are going to create paradise on earth, but for this, we need everyone who has understood the plan what is playing right now. And this documentary couldn’t show it any better. Dearest Friends, let’s not draw into fear, let’s be creative and visualise what we wish for our world and we’re going to create a light so big, that everything that is harming Mother Earth, people, animals and nature, will fall by itself, because it is our fear that feeds these forces… and once we’ve overcome our fears, once we tap into our true connection to the divine, nothing can keep us back from writing an all new story. The story of who we really are… thank you for watching and sharing this tremendously precious documentary..

Link to the video once more: https://ise.media/video/plandemic-ii-indoctornation-23.html?fbclid=IwAR2o2SPn2DreeWwWUXYO2x-jkpWX4y3agU-AnbTJ8Cj2pM9YQod_RsRUENI

Coco Tache supports

A la fin, tout ira bien. Il s'agit de notre confiance. Christina von Dreien, Bern


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