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The day I died is the day that I started living

By Edward Morgan, Prepare for Change

“Dear God, please help me. Show me the way to health, please show me the way. I am ready for complete healing. I am ready.”

I am standing in front of the biggest change I could ever imagine. I am going from being a sufferer to a creator. I am laying down my sword to plant seeds instead, seeds of life. I am changing at the core, yet not changing at all. My true self want to shine through, to come to the surface, and for that to happen, all of which is not serving me has to go. Who I really am wants to come forth. Finally, I am shredding what is not the true me. I am ready to throw away the masks. They are too heavy to wear. They are also too many to keep track of. It has been exhausting, and all I want is to be me. Authentically me.

I wasn’t sure of who that me was, but I was willing to find out.

From my experience, I really believe life begins after death, and that we are able to live to the fullest when we no longer fear it. I had been so ready to go, so ready to leave this life, that I felt free from the death trap. I no longer felt the fear of dying. I knew that I was more than a sick body and that I would truly never die. I became more and more fearless, and it was setting my soul free. I started to see death as a part of LIFE and dying as a part of LIVING.

The Dark Night lead to the brightest light I have ever seen, my life-enthusiasm. My purpose and mission. Moving forward I was going to spend every minute of every day walking towards what I knew could be done. I was going to get healthy, no matter what I had to do. I had nothing to lose. I was not afraid to die. My life had stopped as I knew it, and I now chose to find a new path. I had my husband, my children, my friend and I had me. I was blessed and I would do anything to be the best that I could be.

Being a mother is an honor, and I was going to literally do anything to be the mother that my children deserved. I was going to get healthy, no matter what. Period.

I was going to get healthy or die trying.

I realized that at one point, we have to wake up and say: This is it, enough of this crap we see as limitations. I am going for it because I deserve it.

By awakening to who we really are, we are able to let go of everything that has been holding us back. By truly connecting with our inner source, God, and Creation, we are able to effortlessly flow through life with a renewed passion and enthusiasm. This natural passion for living and creating is a part of every breath that we take.

My love for life itself has led me to explore the amazing abundance and love that we are all a part of. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. Love is the ultimate language of the Universe, and anything not thereof is an obstruction of the flow of life.

Who you really are, and the power you hold within is stronger than any agony or despair. You are worthy of a life in abundance and joy, as you choose to awaken to your true essence. You are amazing, and through letting go of your clutter and old programming you will set yourself free.

My message is – Do not fear the journey towards freedom and the emotional and spiritual upheavals that come with walking your truth. Let it all arise, and let your real authentic self, be born. A freer life awaits, and the day I died is the day that I started living.

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