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The choice is ours. To wake up, or to sleep on?

For quite some time I have been wondering how we can approach people who are not really ready to hear a different version of history than the one they are told in the big newspapers, history books and in school.

Because at some point we should all ask ourselves new questions. Questions that will take us further? Because the fact that something on our planet is not running smoothly, not quite as we would like it to, must somehow be noticed by everyone.

Or not?

I mean, that we are only good for the state to pay our taxes, and that our talents and gifts are not more supported, which is actually the highest good of a country, we should somehow already be aware of.

That the pesticides in our food, electromagnetic radiation through our cell phones and wireless computers, fluorine in our water and metals in the air have no place in our lives and harm the environment, should also be clear to everyone. Or is it not?

When does men become suspicious? From which moment on does he start to question his own ‘learned’ belief system? Well noted, system… because an external ‘system’ never happens spontaneously. A system has been devised and worked out by a handful of people until it runs so smoothly that one never questions whether it could be otherwise.

Does it really always need a real crash to wake up? Or would it also work without suffering? Anyway, at the moment life is certainly giving us exactly this really needed crash. Someone once said, “He who wants bad and creates good.” I guess we all have to go through that, awakened or not awakened. The only difference is that those who are awake greet this chaotic phase with a welcome and actively create the new world, while those who are still asleep and slumbering (people who have not yet understood that we are more than our bodies) find this time hopeless and joyless. Many others do not even think about whether everything is going on in the right way. They simply accept dumbly what is written in the newspapers or seen on television. Nothing is questioned. Least of all themselves.

It occurred to me that there are words that some people don’t want to hear, because these words question the personality they have acquired over the years and the ‘knowledge’ they have learned by heart from books. How difficult it must be for someone who has been learning and convinced of something all his life to suddenly find out that the truth is quite different?

When I understood a few years ago, thanks to the ‘ex-hitman’ John Perkins, how ‘corruption’ happens, it was clear to me that all origins of wars must be urgently questioned and that this should be taught in all schools. Who does a war benefit? Who does a war or an attack benefit and what? What does a war do to the people in the country? And what happens to weakened people? What happens to their artistic and inventive veins? How much do they move away from the voice of their hearts and cut themselves off from direct inspiration? How much do they become obedient sheep of their country? And who does this benefit in turn?

The second question that should be urgently asked, since we always get the ‘official’ information from the same media with the same content, is: who is paid by whom to spread certain news? To achieve certain results? Who pays the journalists, who pays the scientists? Who pays the doctors? Who lets lawyers practice their professions? Who pays the government? Who pays the politicians? Who pays the company bosses, who are usually much more concerned with the profits of their company than with the welfare of their employees and producers? Almost everyone has existential fears and is therefore ‘for sale’. Few dare to hang up their well-paid job for the sake of truth, and to testify beyond defamation about what they have found.

Many of us are also afraid of being deceived. But doesn’t the end of deception lead directly to truth, and isn’t the foundation of truth the origin of healing? And can fear co-exist with healing? Therefore, we should also always ask ourselves this third very important question: What do I really lose and what do I really gain when I choose truth?

And finally, we are ALL invited today to truly think about our future. To truly ask ourselves who we are, what drives us deep inside and makes us happy, and what world we want for our children and our children’s children.

Nothing will be the same in the times to come. We will never fall back into the ‘old normality’. Either paradise awaits us, and this requires that us as humanity awaken to ourselves, that we become aware that we are divine beings in a human body with improbable creative powers, or we continue to doze off and get the long-awaited Covid-19 shot, which may allow us to travel to distant lands and simplified shopping, but will make us sick in the long run, as our entire ADN household will be completely destroyed with the mRNA vaccines-and can never function normally again. We do not have much time for awakening. By the way, in this context, it is totally ok to feel somehow unconfortable when our ‘awakend’ and ‘true’ friends give us well-intentioned advice. But finally:

The choice is ours. To wake up, or to sleep on?

Coco Tache supports

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