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Thank you to you who are moving the world!

By Âme en joie

Thank you to those who let themselves be governed by love, not fear, thank you to those who work for the light and listen to their heart.

Thank you to those who refuse to be manipulated by the politics of fear, thank you to those who let their gentle light shine in the darkness.

Thank you to those who do not use their anger to destroy, but instead see it as a momentum to unite and rebuild.

Thank you to those who, instead of complaining, dare to embody change while accepting that their neighbors are at another level.

Thank you to those who, in the midst of the storm, do not let themselves be captured by the surrounding fear.

Thank you to all those who create bright projects to help, enlighten, and serve.

Thank you to those who work on themselves day after day, freeing themselves from false beliefs that close them off to love.

Thank you to those who do not wait for an external savior and work every day to heal their inner being.

Thank you to those who have lived and understood that they are the sole masters of their lives.

Thank you to those who remain positive and hopeful, even when the vast majority choose to remain silent.

Thank you to those who do not choose the easy path when it is so much simpler to accept everything.

Thank you to those who work for a fairer world, examining and adapting their thoughts, words, and actions.

Thank you to all those who have understood that everything comes from within, that every small gesture has an impact on the greater; the world is a reflection of our inner self; it is up to each of us to strive for the best.

Thank you to those who embody change; your courage knows no bounds. We have reached a turning point, and now more than ever, we must take care of Mother Earth.

Thank you all! Thank you!

You influence my own life because you give me the motivation and desire to build this new world here and now.

I thank all the people who inspire me and make me question myself every day, push my own limits, and create the new world.

I dedicate this text to you and express my gratitude.

You are my role models and most importantly:

You are more numerous than you think!


With Love Soul in Joy


Coco Tache supports

""I only earn a few coins every day, but I am filled with joy and friendship. " REINIER SIJPKENS


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