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Tentree has planted 16’024’150 trees up to date. 10 trees for every item sold! A company of the future!

Since ever we’re interested in companies which produce more environmental friendly. And if on top of that, they support a cause, when they offer ethical work-conditions, we understand that they have done a great homework, because this is what all our companies need to do in the near future, in order to live lives in a more appropriate way and more in connection with mother nature, with ourselves and all the living beings surrounding us.

We should do NO more buying-decision without consciously thinking about the way the item has been produced. By whom, to which conditions ? With which material ?

Tentree has definitely done its homework.

By each ITEM bought, the plant 10 TREES ! By date this means concretely 16’024’150 trees worldwide. Imagine a forest with over 16 million trees, imagine it’s size ! This means hundreds of jobs, this means habitat and life for animals, plants, biodiversity, oxygen. This means LIFE, REFORESTATION, GRATITUDE, LOVE ! This is what our world needs right now more than ever !

Tentree has partnered up with the organisation Canadian Wildlife FederationWeForestAmerican ForestsEden ReforestationTrees for the Future and they are particulary helping Ethiopia and Madagascar with their reforestation at the moment.

We feel much gratitude for this company which meets a great success and counts 2.2 mio followers on instagram ! The company of the future

Coco Tache supports

"I would like to say a few words that represent my life’s dream." Benki Piyako.


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