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Technology in the service of humans or the other way round?

At these times, many truly hard videos are going to come out, offering us frightening future visions of where we are heading (not sure if for some people they might be super exciting?). We’re totally invited to take them seriously, because if we don’t change, this is really going to happen… Taking away all our natural, all our natural connections, all our independency. But I truly believe we still can change everything! Today. The energies are with us, love is with us, and we are together… The moment we understand the plan, and the moment we counter the plan with our own intelligence, everything is going to change again.

For the moment, we clearly still seem dependent on these smart-phones and connected objects, having lost connection with ourselves, the others and nature… they offer great possibilities, but they are clearly driving us apart as well. With it comes one HUGE invitation, the natural connection that inhabits all of us and the remembering of who we truly truly are… Yesterday’s beautiful post of Pierre Pradervand says it actually all. It stands in total energetic opposite of what’s shown in this video of David Icke, and we definitely shouldn’t concentrate on this video and this vision too much, as our reality attracts what we fear. But I believe as well that it does totally help us to know where we are heading with our world, if we don’t change our habits.

Let’s start to think, talk and ACT and long for our new dream, our new vision, and relatedness between all of us.

No, we’re not going to get there, no WAY!… We ARE remembering who we are, NOW, we don’t’ NEED these objects for our lives, but what we clearly need and what all this is about and showing us, is that we need to feel connected… Only, let this connection be the LOVE, the essence we’re all made of… and no artificial Intelligence controlling us.

By the way, it has only a chance to be as long as we continue sleeping… ups… Good morning!

Coco Tache supports

The internet of minds – all connected


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