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Taimane Gardner. Do what you’re passionate about. That is what life is about.

“The ukulele, although maybe underestimated, can definitely blow some minds. That’s what I’m here for” (Taimane, TEDx 2014)

Native of Oahu, Hawaii, she picked up her first ukulele at the age of five and at nine started to perform on the streets of Waikiki with the “beach boys”. Since then she has become that amazingly unique player and composer, to whom the riff for the songs mainly comes out of her dreams, and she works with it when waking up.

“Wild is your primal self before rules and manners were made. Wild is the essence of a human being’s soul without the filter on. »

Have a listen. You’ll be in awe of her skills! It is hard to believe that big-spirited, life-capturing sound comes out of a tiny ukulele! Her repertoire extends in every direction: she loves flamenco for its raw passion, rock for its anything-goes attitude but also funnels other genres and even fused Led Zeppelin with Beethoven in a concert for John Travolta! This 27 year old artist has the grace of a dancer and the fierceness of someone who has found her true passion in life.

Her latest and first self produced album (in which she started singing!) is about the elements. ‘We are made of stars’ takes its name from a Serbian proverb that resonated with her: “Be humble, for you are made of Earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars.”

See also:

– TEDx Maoui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yDM2hp78L4

– Father sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwPEFVHZTmE

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Brave Enough to Feel


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