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strÅlive with Kim – a time and place to feel alive and shine your light!

I would like to share a very touching article my dear friend Yamsin shared about the strålive events, a project I created this year.

Thank you Yasmin for sharing your powerful words and expressing what you felt during the experience!

strÅlive with Kim – a time and place to feel alive and shine your light!

A room full of unique individuals sharing space. Movement. Music. The sound of your own breath. An effortless flow that guides you to land into your heart. Your connection to yourself becoming deeper as you move with others in the same direction – simply back to your own rythm. Kim’s voice guides you joyfully through liberating yoga movement, as the artists intuitively play their instruments. Each piece is there to make the experience whole. Does this sound incredible?

Well my friends, that is what participating to a strÅlive event is.

What is strÅlive?

The concept was founded by Kim Alixant, a hospitality management graduate, yoga and wellbeing guide. She wished to combine her passions, bringing hospitality together with well-being through a series of creations under the brand “With Kim”. StrÅlive pertains to the “Yoga with Kim” branch. The name is a meaningful combination of words. The first part comes from “Stråla”, a form of yoga developed by Tara Stiles, which combines tai-chi, qigong and yoga movement with breath, bringing the practitioner into a state of flow. The second part, “Live” stands for the real-time experience of artists expressing their musical creation in perfect balance with the flow. All of this, to make us feel ALIVE.

The basis of the experience is the partnerships Kim makes to bring it to life, including all the amazing artists, delighting refreshment providers and top-notch coordination team.

Simply said, the entire significance of this creation rests in the collective sharing experience of a community. To feel good, to be alive, to be human, we’re in this together.

What happens in a strÅlive session?

Each session is unique, as Kim works with different partners, locations, and groups of people.

For all the yoga people and non-yoga people out there: this experience is unlike any “traditional” class. It’s a completely new experience for ALL, accessible to anyone. Yes, you too!! If any form of doubt and limitation run through your mind, you can drop it. Where you are is where you need to be. I believe that yoga meets you where you are. The truth is any experience meets you where you are. A simple and profound truth, which will spiral understanding through your body if you open to this kind of experience, leaving no more doubt in your mind. Here is a loose outline of what happens in a session:

The start of the session guides us back into the present, inviting us to feel and land softly into our body. For this we can be seated or lying down on the ground. Then Kim guides the group through a series of connected movements, inspired by breath, in co-creation with the musicians. We are progressively brought into states of awakening as we connect with ourselves. The session ends with a relaxation, which serves as a time to fully let go and integrate the effects. A powerful sound bath might be a part of it, music or silence. A beautiful way to come full circle!

As community is central to the strÅlive concept, each participant is invited to stay after the session, to connect with others, to taste delicious food or beverages, to continue sharing the experience.

When is the next strÅlive session?

Follow Kim’s activity on several channels to be the first to know about future events: www.withkim.ch/events, www.facebook.com/withkim, www.instagram.com/kim_alxt . If you would like to bring this experience to your town, wherever you may be in the world, feel free to connect with Kim! She wishes to make the experience accessible to more people involving a diversity of partners, so if you have any ideas, please share!


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Innocence - Let's all come back to this initial innocence towards nature.


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