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STOP 5G National Event in 10th May, and we can’t say anymore that we didnt know

The 5G topic has become HUGE ! Yesterday in Bern, a press conference concerning the Stop 5G National Event was hold that attracted all the big media players. National and locas TVs, radios and the big newspapers.

The why we need to stop the 5G got largely evoked, and the first results we see in the newspapers and on TV of what was said is very enchanting.
It’s like, not only in the organisers committee with all these specialists joining under the guidance of Tamlin Schibler Ulmann, Louisa Diaz and Olivier Bodenmann, but also in the big media, in politics, throughout cultures, we’re defending the same cause.
In regards of this huge theme, we just start to understand that we need to get our s sovereignty back, and if we want AI to control us, the 5G is the perfect tool for this. But if we want to be the deciders of our own lives, we absolutely totally and urgently need to give it a big HALT! All of us, feeling being part of nature, interacting with all living beings, thriving for peace and love, for togetherness we cannot allow 5G to happen, as it cuts us from our senses and and and… the list is SO BIG ! 30’000 studies have been made in regards of the harm caused by magnetic waves, but you know what ? Because it is INVISIBLE!!!, it is not APPROVED !
1 exemple… There is a EHS (electric high sensitive) man. He wanted his problem to be recognized, and organised an official test with scientists.
2 minutes after they pressed on the WIFI ON-button, his head got all red and he felt as if his head was burning… They then switched WIFI off and the head stayed red ! The answer, it is not proven that this is the WIFI effect… !!! It can be psychological.
Anyway, it was said in the press conference yesterday, that only in Switzerland, there are 800’000 EHS people… And we truly think we should not wait until 5G has started on a larger level and millimetre frequencies to see the very harming effects of this true crowd control weapon.
Please find HERE a video showing what happens to ants while they are under mobile phone exposure.
And just last MONDAY, a 427 official document was handed to the Swiss Federal Council from ARA (Association Romande Alerte), showing scientific proof and explaining them that from now on, they can’t declare anymore that they didn’t’ know…

So please, if you can make it, BE! THERE, on the Waisenhausplatz in Berne tomorrow, 10th May, 18.30-21.30 and together, let’s enter our strength and make a clear declaration in which direction we want our world to evolve…

Coco Tache supports

Is our Federal Council well informed concerning the 5G?


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