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Sonia Birrer

Out of Switzerland… A woman, a sunshine, awareness in a person. Following her dream into discovering who she really is. She moved to Ireland, together with her dog and her cat, installed herself in a place she didn’t know from before, and started to create delicious tea with consciousness. After this, she moved to Portugal, with no special goal in view, just for being and discovering more and more, how she can bring her being and magic to the people. Sonia is an awesome being, and when you look at her, you see her light. All she does, she does it for enhancing our world, and she has clearly stated, that her year 2014 belonged to the people and nature surrounding her, that she was willing to offer them all she had and was! Her radiance and joy touch everybody she comes in contact with, and you want to be around her to get little sparkles. She’s one you want to get inspired by to find out where your heart leads you to.

Coco Tache supports

Keri Gonzato


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