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Sonia Sarina – simple, practical coachings for anyone who would like to align nutrition and fitness practice

I offer very simple, practical coachings for anyone who would like to align their nutrition habits and their fitness practice with their evolving spirit, anyone who would like to stay in balance or regain balance. Anyone who would like to tackle small but persistent health issues. I am here to guide through a process that may as well could happen naturally, to redirect to our inner wisdom and guidance, to our natural knowledge and instinct of survival.

I offer my coachings in person (Vaud, Switzerland) as well as through Skype. Most my clients come from all over the world and I meet with them every second week, during a minimum of 6 month over Skype. Half of my clients have however continued my coachings after the 6 initial month, to go deeper and more consistent into their healthy lifestyle habits.

I also organise together with a dear friend of mine yoga retreats in Portugal and am open for collaborations in Switzerland.

Who I am: Sonia Sarina, compassionate gardener, vegan cook, health and nutrition coach. I offer health and nutrition coachings, vegan cooking, organisation of retreats… anything that vibrates with my heart and leads to a deeper connection of who we are.

My mission is to live a life full of integrity and love, to be here in the moment, learn and grow. To support and push forward anything that connects us deeper within.

My philosophy: “do no harm”. Know, there is a bigger picture. Listen inside, connect with what is true and act accordingly. 

What I propose: literally anything that after checking in with myself, feels compassionate and loving towards us and our planet. Retreats, Health Coaching, vegan cooking…. and much more.

To whom I address: EVERYONE!! I don’t include or exclude. Anyone who feels drawn to me.


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