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Samadhi Movie – the illusion of Maya

We have not only forgotten Samadhi, but we have forgotten what we forgot.
This forgetting is Maya, the illusion of the self.
Time has come to reconnect with ourselves, with what is beyond name and form.
The time of fear and the limited self-structure are about to die.
It is not about form anymore.
It is about being.
It is not about more and more and more…
It is about letting go of wanting.
About learn to die before we die.
When we experience who we really are, there is no longer fear of death, or of life.
The world is a stage, and men and women are players.
When we are awake we don’t become identified with our characters.
Samadhi is awakening from the dream in the play of life.

Michael supports

Erwachtes Handeln. "Das Bewusstsein erwacht aus seinem Formentraum" von Eckhart Tolle.


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