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Nothing is random, everything has been pre-planned. Thursday 25th July – a day out of time

By Suzanne Maresca, Jenji and the white wolve tribe, 15th July 2019,

Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with news that all that you have been waiting for and praying for has now begun in earnest. The Old frequencies that kept this realm locked into the hellish 3D Matrix  have reached their end days, and it is important that we remind you, that this stage of humanities collective Awakening will reveal truths to you that will utterly shock you to your deepest core. However this is not the place for us to speak about these atrocities that are being exposed currently. All of the mainstream Media will be reporting about the dismantling of what is known as the Deep state – the cabal.

We are in the end days of Kali yuga and the opening stages of Satya Yuga- the Golden Age. These two timelines are operating concurrently at the moment, and therefore it is crucial that you are continuously aware of where you are focusing your god-given almighty attention and intention. We advise you to not feed the fears or indulge in any victim narrative in these energies, as all that you focus on will be amplified exponentially in these current energetic climate.

Last week’s solar eclipse in cancer was extremely Potent for Many Of Us ascending ones, and please know that many of you who are still in 3D karmic relationships and are not listening to and Following the promptings of your heart and sacred intuition,  please know that you are being tested now to your absolute core, and all those that are holding onto these relationships through false 3d beliefs of obligation and sacrifice, will have to go through a more challenging initiation to assist you to free yourself from these old obligatory templates.

It is our advice to you to trust the signs that your higher self is continuously sending you, because if you ignore the messages of your higher self you leave it no choice but to have to shout louder and for some this will be through more intense physical symptoms and potential emergency situations for some of you, which of course we in the higher realms do not wish to see for any of you, and we are praying that you listen and take heed of the guidance that your higher self and galactic team is pouring down upon you now.

These energies are no longer supporting third dimensional based relationships especially for the 144000 1st wavers.

Everyday we are getting closer and closer to the solar flash event known in Hinduism as the Samvartaka. As  this occurs please know that the Earth plane is continuously being bombarded with these photonic light particles and this is transforming every single being on the earth whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

At the moment of the Solar flash event the 144000 will meet the doorway of light, and we will be invited to step into the doorway of light, it is important that all starseeds Trust this process and surrender, knowing that your higher self will take you out momentarily in order to implement the Architecture and creation of your crystalline light body.

Please know that we all will be conscious throughout this Ascension (doorway of light ) experience, and what can feel like hours and hours or even days in the higher Realms can take place in a split second on the earth realm.

There is nothing that anybody needs to worry about, this has been written in all of the sacred scriptures in all of the Long count calendars, and has been known by all of our indigenous cultures since time immmemorable.

Earth is shifting density from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. This is an actual reality that is happening right now as we speak, and as Earth ever succinctly aligns herself with the very heart  of our galactic sun alcion. As this alignment occurs humanity is continuously being bombarded with gamma rays, that in many ways are very much like locks that interact with our DNA (keys) sending information to our so-called dormant DNA that it is time to move out of their dormant state, enlighten and activate.

The Cosmic energies are now building in Earnest towards the day out of time.

The day out of time is celebrated in the Mayan calendar as the Cosmic reset day, and marks the end of the galactic year and the beginning of the new cosmic year.

On this date we are being called to come together to assist our galactic teams especially those from Lyra, Sirius, Arcturius and Pleiades, to assist Gaia to remove the last dregs of the llusion of control that the lower frequencies have held over humanity for the last

14 000 years.

A call went out from our galactic Star Family to come together on the day out of time to assist in this Final push in attaining full planetary and personal liberation.

Please know that we, the ground crew are being called to come together to assist our galactics to fully and completely release the last final residues of control and manipulation from this old archaic dark energy.

It is important to know that our galactic elder brothers and sisters require us ion the earthly plane to stabilize and Anchor these energetic intentions, and therefore we are invited to step forward as Awakened ascending humanity to assist our galactic Star Family with this huge endeavour.

The work that we  I’ll be in called to do in the transmissions works on The etheric Blueprint level which is the  level at which all manifestation takes place, Therefore please know that it is extremely potent and important -what we are being called to do for all of our brothers and sisters not only on the earth but throughout the entire multiiverse.

As ever all those who come forward to take part in this transmission will invariably receive an auspicious gift for their own personal evolutionary, and please know taking part in this work massively accelerates everybody’s evolution and timeline  enabling them to easefully stabilize in fifth dimensional consciousness.

We are getting so close now to the solar flash event and it is absolutely imperative that as many of the 144000 starseeds have stabilized in 5th dimensional consciousness, and we invite all of you who are reading these words to make this a priority with your morning intentions and be open to all the ways that will assist you to fully stabilize.

We truly are living in the most exciting times that have ever existed upon the earthly plane.

Please know that nothing is random, everything has been pre-planned, and the Divine collective Awakening of humanity is being intricately overseen by our Arcturian brothers and sisters who loves us so very very deeply, and who are the overseers of this planets ascension into the 5th dimension.

A gentle reminder that we are currently in the Sirius Stargate which is infusing us with deep and profound blessings, and andis as issisting many 1st wavers in the formation of our christiline light forms…..

The Cosmic energies are now our building and aligning towards the 8:8 lionsgate, which will bear witness to an absolutely unprecedented level of twin Souls coming into physical Union.

We are the ones we have all been waiting for. We truly are doing it.

In love and eternal light jenji and the white wolf tribe


Please see below for full details on how to book onto the day out of time planetary liberation transmission.

Day out of time: Planetary liberation transmission.

Brothers and sisters we are being called to come together on the 25th of July 2019 at 8.08pm uk time To mark the date that the Mayans referred to as the day out of time.

This is an extremely powerful and important day for us to come together in our Ascension groups to work with the Cosmic energies on this powerful portal date

Our galactic Star Family have expressed their need for a stabilized ground crew to assist in the final planetary and personal liberation agenda.

It is very important that we stand tall as Awakened humanity anchored in our role as empowered galactic citizens.

We are being called to come together on this day to assist our galactic brothers and sisters who are working with the oversoul of  humanities Christed higher self, to assist in the final clearing of a layer of density that is now ready to be expelled from our planetary sphere for eternity.

Please know that everybody who comes forward to take part in this transmission will receive an extremely powerful and auspicious blessing from your own higher self, as we will also be working on a personal level with the momentum of the large global group consciousness to assist you personally to remove the last residues of egoic attachment and identification that are keeping your consciousness entrapped in the third dimensional matrix hell realm.

Please know that we very much look forward to coming together with all of you and this powerful sacred work is offered on an energetic exchange basis.

Dreamteam supports

Just one notch higher and you have made it. 18th July 2019, the event escalates


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