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Red Bull Illume

Red Bull Illume: What’s in it for you?

Red Bull Illume has always aimed the spotlight squarely on photographers. This year, the contest will once again honor the people behind the lens with a healthy helping of glitz, glamour and yes, prizes. Here’s what Red Bull Illume photographers have to look forward to:

The action and adventure sports photography celebrated by Red Bull Illume attracts a very specific brand of photographer – a creative thrill-seeker with a real drive and passion for storytelling. These people constantly push boundaries by hanging from sheer cliffs, climbing the highest mountains and spending days in icy waters – all in the name of that one shot. One moment.

 The physical and technical challenges photographers face often go unnoticed. Red Bull Illume aims to recognize that action and adventure sports photography is about much more than just technical skill and an athlete in front of the lens. To succeed, these photographers place themselves at the heart of the action and regularly risk their lives in pursuit of the shot.

 Red Bull Illume would like to drive photographers to keep going – by offering some motivation : 


 For photographers, it’s all about getting your name out there and gluing eyeballs to your images. With connections to the biggest players in the media industry, renowned photo editors, a huge social network and a worldwide reputation for presenting only the best images – Red Bull Illume knows all about the value of exposure. It’s something that can’t be measured, but felt and seen. Read how the ‘Illume Effect’ played a role in the careers of Morgan Maasen and Krystle Wright.


 This is your chance to be a part of the Winner Award Ceremony and rub shoulders with the biggest names in the photography industry at a glamorous event on September 28 in Chicago, USA. It’s not only a chance to meet your idols and build your professional network, but also an opportunity to gain recognition and praise for your art. Following the ceremony, finalist images will travel the world as a unique nighttime photo exhibition – putting your name on the world photography map.


 Red Bull Illume has the largest prize purse of any photography contest in the world. New partner and Japanese retailing titan, Yodobashi will award the Overall Winner with a voucher to the value of €40,000. The voucher can be redeemed for any number of the company’s massive selection of consumer goods – from cameras and lighting setups to photographic accessories and technical equipment.

 Electronics giant Sony will also award the various winners with photography gear worth over €60,000. The Category Award Winners will each receive a Sony camera body, including a lens or accessory bundle. The camera options include the Sony ILCE-A7RII or the Sony DSC-RX1RII (both valued at more than €3,000). The Overall winner will also receive a camera body as well as 3 Sony lenses.

 External storage brand G-Technology will take care of all storage needs by awarding each of the winners with external hard drives. Reputable photo bag manufacturer tamrac and lighting experts broncolor will also honor the various photographers by handing out a selection of their quality products.

 It isn’t hard to see why Red Bull Illume has forged a reputation as the greatest action and adventure sports photography contest in the world. Be part of the action and take your shot in 2016.

 Once you have your images ready to go, simply register your account right here on redbullillume.com and submit your images. Remember that submissions close in less than 3 weeks on March 31, 2016!

 Visit the Red Bull Illume Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates.

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Red Bull Illume Image Quest


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