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Pile of Puppies – a reminder that there is always light within the darkness

Text: David Badalec

I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to learn about Pile of Puppies.

Jennifer is doing such an amazing work with Pile of Puppies and her story and life mission.

She is literally covering very ill children with a pile of the cutest puppies to bring some happiness into those little hard lives. You just have to fall in love with the concept.


The Story Behind Pile Of Puppies

Jennifer Thompson Trepanier was once a very sick child fighting to survive. At the age of twelve, Jennifer was gifted (diagnosed) with the rare and debilitating disease, dermatomyostis, which caused her immune system to attack her muscles. At the most challenging point of her condition, she was too weak to get out of a chair or a bed and had trouble swallowing. She went into remission from the age 17-20, but in her early 20’s, another physical challenge emerged. For three years, she experienced high fevers and joint pain so extreme it felt as though hammers were constantly striking her joints. Although these illnesses were difficult, they brought a revelation: she did not have to become a victim of her disease. She learned through her personal experience about the power of the mind and body. She learned how to move through her pain to find the light. Her suffering inspired her to complete a Masters in Psychophysiology (study of the mind and body connection). She was then ready to teach others what she innately already knew: when the body and mind are treated together, healing begins.

After becoming a mother, Jennifer dealt with another rare autoimmune disease called autoimmune neutropenia. This time around, her white blood cells were attacked by her immune system, leaving her susceptible to continuous infection, at the same time she was learning what it was to be a new mother. As she emerged from this dark time, she realized (yet, always knew) that she had to give back. All the pain and suffering she felt throughout her childhood and adulthood must come full circle.

She took her love for animals (especially dogs) and her passion for helping those with health challenges and bridged them together to create Pile of Puppies. When Jennifer sees a child suffering, she knows first hand what it is like to feel different from the rest. She knows that looking death in the eye is scary, but also empowering. POP was created to remind all children who have been given an extra physical challenge in their life that there is always light within the darkness. There is always joy even in the hardest times.

When she is not working on Pile of Puppies, Jennifer helps her clients unlock their own “wells of wisdom” by assisting them in living their life in a conscious and healthy way. She volunteers with hospice to help patients make their transition from this world to the next. Lastly, her most challenging, “Awe-Inspiring” and powerful job yet, is being a Mother, the greatest gift life has given her. To learn more about Jennifer please go to her website: www.wellsofwisdom.com

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