We are the creators of our reality. And therefore so much more than we think we are. It takes a whole while until to really understand what this sentence really means, and it goes definitely with an invitation. The invitation is to follow the voice of our hearts.
Anita Moorjani was 2006 supposed to die with tumours in the size of lemons, her organs had started to shut down and her lungs were filled with liquids. But while she was in the koma, she felt incredible. This is when she noticed that her real her was not her physical body, as she felt so powerful, free and enveloped in an unconditional love. At one stage while she had the opportunity either to come back or not, her dad she met in the other realm encouraged her by saying: « now that you know the truth of who you really are, this is the moment to go back, and your body will heal ». And this is what happened. Find a beautiful video of her explaining all this underneath.
Hand in hand with this awareness goes the Slow Design & Fashion days, this coming weekend, 8th-10th December in Geneva organised by our dear partner NiceFuture. A place to slow-down, to investigate our relationship to the material world, to nature and understanding better what it really means to put consciousness in the act and art of creation. A rendez-vous with ourselves first, but as well with beautiful craftsmen and artists. Find it’s soulful program and beautiful people attending HERE. Including yoga, conferences and workshops.