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Old Captain Co. by Yari Copt – Making dreams come true!

Yari Copt – skater, dj, singer songwriter and entrepreneur – is one of the most active, pro-active and creative people I know in Ticino. Ever since I know him he’s been switching on lights, opening roads, paths and skating bowls with endless enthusiasm. His passionate and groundbreaking approach is an invitation for each one of us to move, use our hands, hearts and brains and make our dreams come true: life is burning flame (not by chance Yari’s music band is called “Those Furious Flames”), it goes by real fast, today is the day to express ourselves and make our wildest dreams become realities, creating beauty! Hands up for him today with Old Captain Co., for his new adventure in the fashion world, with the super cool and tailor-made, custom, shirts. The extra special detail? They are fair and 100% swiss made. Big up for all those who dare make their dreams a reality: keep going and have fun along the way – Ahoy Captains!




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