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Is our Federal Council well informed concerning the 5G?

Following the decision of several cantons and municipalities to declare a moratorium on 5G, the press reports that the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) has stated that there is no legal basis for cantons and municipalities to protect their populations from mobile phone radiation. This statement is part of the disastrous way in which 5G is being deployed. Are our seven Wise Men sufficiently informed?
That is the question the ARA is asking itself. On Monday, May 6, the seven members of the Federal Council received a 427-page booklet from the ARA Committee containing regulatory and scientific documents. In the 6-page cover letter, we read in the last paragraph:

From now on, through you, the Swiss government and its various departments will no longer be able to claim publicly that they are not aware of the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves on living beings. By doing so, they will no longer be able to claim that they are not aware of the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves on living organisms. This 427-page document was duly filed and registered as a notarial minute. It has been distributed to the right people. Finally, it could serve as a legal basis, here in Switzerland, for the resolution of potential future disputes or health and environmental lawsuits. Of which act.

This booklet arrived at the Federal Council on Monday, May 6 at 08:00. In short, the Association Romande Alerte aux ondes électromagnétiques asks the cantonal and federal authorities:

– to consider and put into practice the recommendations made by the Parliamentary Assembly in its Resolution 1815 to the member states of the Council of Europe, to which Switzerland is a signatory
– to apply the precautionary principle, in particular with regard to 5G, as ratified by Switzerland in August 2003
– to enforce a moratorium on 5G
– to create so-called “white” zones, as requested at the federal level via the “Hadlikon Petition” of 9 February 2018
monitor, in real time, current and future 5G emissions at selected locations
– to apply Article 35 of the Public Health Act (LSP 800.01) of 29 May 1985 to mobile telephony and 5G waves
– to consider the “electromagnetic field intolerance syndrome” as a scientifically based medical and biological reality
– to take into account the athermal, or non-thermal effects of mobile phone and 5G waves on living beings
support the international call to stop 5G on Earth and in Space and support the international call for a moratorium on 5G

The documents can be consulted online:
“All lab mice”: letter to the Federal Council
“Regulatory and scientific documents”; 427 pages addressed to the Federal Council

Source: https://www.alerte.ch

Co-Translated from French with www.DeepL.com/Translator


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