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NomadShala – back to the source, an answer to many of our actual questions…

Imagine arriving in a space surrounded by fresh green grass, trees, hills, mountains… You take your shoes off and feel at home. You close your eyes and listen to the idyllic chants of the birds, the owl, the crickets. It is warm, but not too hot. You forgot your phone in the car. Just you and nature!

And imagine now, that all around this terrain, there are tents, with futon matrasses and the most gorgeous decoration. All these tents can welcome between 1 and 4 people. And there is an open kitchen, with the best fresh local food possible. Everything organic. And a tent for yoga practice, sharing, chanting and dancing… And when you open your eyes a bit wider, you’ll see a sauna just next to the ice-cold river, a jacuzzi for the colder evenings, and recycling toilets for our needs.

This place on earth exists. It’s called NomadShala, it travels to the most beautiful places, and it is held by two of the most beautiful people we can possibly meet, the incarnation of freedom, Simone and Antoine, a couple who has found themselves in their passion and in their ways of approaching life. They must have been preparing for this their whole lives, as Simone was basically living in a tent and travelling the world in her bus the last 7 years, learning and teaching all different sorts of yoga, essential oil, dark-room, walking on fire practices, and on top of that, she’s Mc. Giver in female. Nothing seems impossible to her, and she always proves that there are solutions to everything.

Antoine is this super smart guy from the Ecole Hotelière in Lausanne, a coach, entrepreneur, super fit, but what defines them both most is their love for life, people, nature, and their huge ability to open up their arms and hearts to all the beings crossing their path.

NomadShala is definitely a big response to many of our questions. As for a certain time, may it be for just one night, we let all just our habits behind us and connect again to the essential. All this, surrounded by the most beautiful people and this pure and vibrating nature. Be ready to experience NomadShala! Be it for a week, a day, a night, with a group, your friends, your family. The invitation is given, are you going to follow the call?

Coco Tache supports

Real change will only happen when we fall in love with our planet


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