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Nicolas Müller

Nicolas is a swiss snowboarder, a lover of life and a style-master. Elected several times snowboarder of the year, he is the idol of thousands of people. He is the living proof that yes, you can make a living out of your dream, even if everybody around you doesn’t follow your idea at first. He’s also well known for the respect he pays to the environment and for the attention he pays to nutrition. His parts in snowboard movies are fancied and copied over and over again and his smoothness is contagious. He might also be one of the most engaged ‘ambassadors’ of all time, supporting many great causes out there, and there is rarely one snowboarder who doesn’t name Nicolas when it comes to inspiration! This year, such as last year,  Nicolas started to work on his movie Fruition! A life epos! Showing the magic of Nicolas life. We can’t wait to discover more of it. Yeah, Nicolas, such a long common path, so happy to have him on bord with us!

Coco Tache supports

Chris Bachmann


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