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NiceFuture rocks!

We’ve known Barbara and the NiceFuture Movement only this real really, but oh wow, this woman, her team, and NiceFuture are mind-blowing!… This interview was done just 2 weeks BEFORE the big call for help from the Surui People in the Amazonas. Since then, 1 1/2 months ago, the power of NiceFuture and its Network have multiple times and Barbara and her team are starting to feel the impact they have on the humans!

Since when has NiceFuture been in existence?
NiceFuture is an organization founded in 2002 which launched its first project in March 2003 as a web magazine.

What was decisive for you to set up this beautiful launch?
Step by step, in the years 2000, I went through a deep questioning of my way of life, of our way of life regarding the planet. I became aware that it could not last any longer in the continuity of its movement, as far as ressources and human impacts on the environment were concerned. And simultaneously, I was and I am still convinced of our collective ability to find lasting solutions facing those multiple economical, social and environmental issues that are generated by our Western way of life. But more than that, in my intention and then in the one of NiceFuture, there has always been the idea to gather in order to transcend, remaining faithful to what is uplifted and beautiful in human nature and in life, putting into the core of the intention values which are too often neglected such as inclusiveness, sharing, joy, listening, kindness, generosity, beauty and humor. The idea was to enable everyone to become an artist of their own life by their choices, their acts and the consciousness animating them, by their link and a new relationship with the matter and the living, encouraging each one to make a masterpiece of their life and to contribute to the creation of this new world. At that time, I thought it would be simple.

Since then, what have been the actions you are especially proud of?
I believe that at each moment of the story of NiceFuture, regarding each of our projects, we did the best we could in terms of who we were, of our abilities, of the strengths we had in us. I am proud of that and of all those who are part of this beautiful adventure, of this common commitment. Each of our projects was a challenge and oftentimes, at the beginning of projects, we were venturing on unknown territories, we did not know anything. Creating the Festival of the Earth twelve years ago was an incredible human adventure! Imagining the G21, an event linking together economical, academical, state circles and the actors of the transition as well as the ‘wise people’ of our times was a thrilling challenge. Getting committed into ethical fashion, to linking form and content, consciousness and matter through the Slow Design & Fashion Days was also a completely innovative vision. Each time, it was the connection we had between us and the faith we had in the importance of projects which nourished us and allowed us to move mountains to carry them out.

What are your values?
The values we are trying to incarnate in the best way we can and guiding us are first and foremost the love of Life and the Earth but also authenticity, dialogue, open-mindedness, curious exploration, creativity, ideal, generosity, joy, sharing and sometimes more fundamentally – but as often as it is possible – love in the broad sense.

What is your mission?
It is to initiate and support deep changes towards a better durability, through providing information to the general public, the networking of economical, academical, political and community actors in order to co-create innovative solutions and realize concrete projects. In a few points, our mission is the following:

.Be cutting-edge regarding the themes of durability and ecological transition.

.Encourage links, sharing of ideas, common visions and lasting initiatives between decision-makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, NGOs and universities. We are being guided in this work by various lines of thought and searchers for ‘truths’ so that our common evolution of consciousness also thrives.

.Mobilize all the actors -civil society, public authorities, economical and academical circles- around projects securing ecological transition.

.Highlight and introduce the most visionary current projects at the global scale, with the intention to duplicate them on the Swiss territory.

.Develop visions of desirable futures for a durable society, which would be gentle towards the Earth and encourage the personal development of every person.

What is your vision of future for NiceFuture?
We spent six months a few years ago on a sharing of vision so as to imagine how the ‘world of tomorrow’ could be like. The result of this work consists in a very comprehensive and inspiring text which can be found on our website: the Manifesto of the Earth.

What are you particularly proud of?
I am not particularly proud. I am rather very happy and grateful to have been able to live all these beautiful adventures and this excitting life until today.

When do you reach the German-speaking part of Switzerland?
We unfolded a project in the Swiss German part a few years ago answering the request of one of our partners-sponsors. It was nothing but easy. Without a concrete presence and a team hailing from the Swiss German part, it is really difficult to create human links with the level of quality and depth we stand for. But I believe in chance and positive coïncidences. When it is right to do it, it will happen naturally.

What was your last great revelation?
2015 will remain an outstanding year for all those who have been involved since years in the necessary collaboration between states to reach ambitious objectives of greenhouse gas reductions which are indispensable to the stabilization of an ever warming climate. Yet, it seems to me more and more that the path to follow implies above all a fundamental evolution regarding our relationship with nature.

This spring, we were incredibly lucky to have been invited with NiceFuture organization to stay among the Paiter Surui people from Amazonia, a native people who established their first contact with our civilization only forty-five years ago. We were able to live with them on their territory of 250 000 hectares of tropical forest still untouched at more than 95%. With the help of the organization Aquaverde, which has supported the Surui people since more than ten years in their efforts towards preservation and reforestation of their territory, NiceFuture then began a true adventure.

The different exchanges experienced by the people who attended this invitation are real new thrilling leads to address the future. Two weeks by the Surui people may seem short but at the same time, it was enough to understand how much this indigenous people reached that so searched harmony with nature. The word ‘transcendence’ -with the meaning to go beyond a problem including it- is the one explaining the best the path we are shown by the Surui people regarding our collectively problematic relationship with nature. Their knowledge and wisdom can enable us to transcend our relationship with the living.

This stay in their company made me realize how much the sedentarized, ‘civilized’ and urbanized Western man lost all or a part of the links uniting him with nature he is yet a part of; consequently, he is cutting himself away from his own nature…

The charismatic Surui chief Almir honoured us as he took part in some of the workshops we are leading with experts of the ecological transition in Switzerland. His contribution was essential for all of our network of researchers, entrepreneurs, politicians to realize the importance of the inseparable link of a life in harmony with oneself, with others and with nature. This unity implies for us, Westerners, that without reconsidering our relationship with the Living, our quest for harmony with ourselves and others is doomed to failure for it is incomplete.

Which project is especially dear to your heart and why?
The biggest challenge we may have to face today consists in learning how to fundamentally recognize our universality, which means going beyond our polarities, frozen beliefs, individualities and divisions. Nobody holds the truth on Earth. Our view is tinged with so many personal parameters.

How can we grow together, create a common reality broader than our horizons, look at one another, understand that each of us only holds a part of the truth and try together to reunite our visions and wisdoms? To me, this approach seems essential to offer today and in this idea, we want to co-organize a great event during September of next year. The common theme for this event is simple: it will consist of inviting representatives of different wisdoms and traditions present on Earth and to put them in relation with the actors of the transition but also with the pioneers and communities working on ‘regenerative or symbiotic economy’, physics, biology, open education, agro-ecology, energy, eco-spirituality. The goal will also be to put in the loop universities in French-speaking Switzerland and young generations.

What would you like to share with everyone?
I believe we went to search very far for wisdom and knowledge in our civilization. We may have sometimes lost ourselves in the mazes of concepts and dogmas. We may also have lost in it our ability to be happy, to live in harmony and joyfully with nature and ourselves. Yet, it is so simple to regain this essential link with happiness. Nature and our nature are deeply spiritual. We just have to reconnect with them, to let go of all our concepts, the beliefs we received throughout our lives, to simply get back to ourselves and to settle into our hearts. From that very space, everything is possible, for us but also for the building of tomorrow’s world.

Coco Tache supports

Cry of alarm of the Surui indigenous people


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