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Mowgli exists really and nature talks to us. Dialogues avec l’Animal, 6th-7th Octobre in Paris

Who on our planet will not be able to fall in love with this young girl Tippi, who grew up with wild animals in Namibia until she was 10 years old? We know very little about Tippi, what she has become today, but we do know that she will delight the hearts of all those present at the event Dialogues avec l’Animal October 6th & 7th in Paris. At the same time as many other passionate women and men who are going to tell us their lives with animals and undoubtedly immerse us for 2 days in a universe often out of reach. A universe in which love and respect remain ultra present, and which invites us at the same time to take a step into our own innocence as a child.

Tippi will be present at the event Dialogues avec l’Animal held October 6 and 7 in Paris. Please book your ticket here: https://www.dialoguesaveclanimal.org/billetterie.

Coco Tache supports

Courte biographie de Michèle BOURTON, fondatrice de la Ronron Thérapie


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