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Mooji – The Shining Man

Shining eyes, big smile, rasta hair. Originally from Jamaica, this is what you see when you meet Mooji, which is already an amazing start… But, the interesting part is what you feel, what hear and the spaces that this awakened master opens up around him. You might start by watching him on youtube and who knows, might end up at a meditation retreat in his Ashram in Portugal or to Satsang (public spiritual speech) somewhere around the globe. No matter how, you’re destined to fall in love with this shining man and the non-dualistic philosophy he brings forth…

If you feel trapped it is through your mind.
If you feel free it is through your mind.
Don’t give it to your mind to assess how good the day has been.
Just be present.
Be like space—it never gets old, it has no mood.
Be like a clear mirror—it has no opinions or preferences.
It doesn’t say, ‘I like to reflect flowers, but not beards.’
Whatever shows up, it reflects perfectly.
So don’t give up. By following these simple guidances
your mind is going to become light, open and clear. Why?
Because it is natural for it to be like this.
Only bad education, bad culture, bad habits distort
your perception and recognition of the Real.
Just be very open and present
and accept that every day is your best day,
every moment is your moment.
Are you open for this?
~ Mooji

Keri supports

Meditation In The Classroom


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