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Meetup in Zermatt – Antifragility by PuraWorka

Juhuuuu, time is for encounters and inspiration. Time is for people who make things happen, who know nothing will change in our world if we stay with our hands in our pockets. That is why we wish to thank Neil and Nicolas de PuraWorka, who not only offer magnificent co-working spaces, the first of which opened in Zermatt, but also contribute to the reconstruction of houses (Lombok after their earthquake), who provide alternatives to plastics with their bamboo straws, co-organize events such as the Klimafest in Zermatt which has triggered a great action on the right way forward and make sure that the right people meet. With their first PuraMind Meetup which takes place from today on to Sunday and with the proposed theme of Antifragility, they put a new stone in their building, and we are happy to be part of it… as partners, and I personally as one of their speakers. For my part, I will talk about 5G, about humans, animals and plants, and how everything interacts. A little preview on the upcoming 7sky.life Connection VII Lausanne on May 23rd at the Casino de Montbenon.

Neil, can you tell me why you’re organizing this event ?

It is a teaser from PuraWorka, the celebration of a successful first season in Zermatt. The aim is to create a new inspiring conference movement with sustainability at the centre and touching all sectors of tourism. We couldn’t have dreamed of a better destination than Zermatt, a pioneer in electric mobility, as a symbol for launching PuraMind.

How many people are you expecting?

We are expecting between 60 and 75 people from the Lake Geneva region, from Switzerland and Germany, from expatriates and of course, and very important, the local Zermattois community.

What will be the topics covered?

Entrepreneurship, sustainability, innovation, thirst for exchange and sharing are the common denominators. All sectors are involved in tourism, but in different forms, digital, coworking, luxury cottage rental, mobility, etc.

Why is it important to attend, how will we all be richer by coming out?

For the first edition of PuraMind, we wanted to have speakers with a deep human history, the antifragile theme defines them all perfectly. PuraWorka’s mission is to put lifestyle back at the centre, life is accelerating, the distance between private and professional life is disappearing. Thus, and especially at the end of the season, we wish to give space to celebration and as a guarantee, many projects and innovative ideas will be born around a beer, a meditation or during adrenaline rush while descending the Gornegrat on the fatbike. Be sure that exchanges will be privileged and that our participants will be surfing on awesome wave of talks and workshops, of questions and answers and where co-creation will be strongly encouraged.

Awesome! Looking forward…

Coco Tache supports

PuraMind Zermatt - connecting with other creative minds - 26-28 April 2019


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