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Max Piccinini – The Wow Moment

Ladies and gentlemen, do you want more? More love? More friends? Better relationships? More sport? More time off? A more suitable job? More income? Lose more weight? Then, we are happy to be able to introduce you a master coach who transforms lives on the row! Please meet Mister Max Piccinini.

We met him for the first time in Monaco during his seminary to which we had been invited. The theme: ‘aimant à argent’ money magnet. A good topic with a beautiful vision for the future, if we consider the current situation of the print media. So I went to this seminary, just like the other 350 people, all of them searching for answers to their financial situations. What fascinated me in the first place was Max big heart! A sunny boy, a one man show but wow what generosity, what vitality and what fundamental revelations he shared with us! I often raised my hand to ask him or answer questions aimed at the audience. Until we reached a theme, which sparked off a brain wave within me! This revelation, I would like to share it in priority with you. It is about our system of beliefs! We had been given a questionnaire with a hundred and fifty questions about our relationship with money. Very quickly, I wrote down that yes, money is destroying the world, 10 on the scale of pain (with a system of grades ranging from 0 to 10). No, we cannot ‘learn’ to make money. Money does not make happy etc.! And at some point, while I was hastily filling those boxes with my crosses and dots, I got the point: ok, I personally believe this but the person next to me and the one behind, believe something completely different! Oh wow! And so, for the first time, I came to realize with the utmost delight that I had been convincing myself with a false belief. And how to undo this misdealing when we become aware of it? Simply by erasing it with positive assertions. ‘Scratching the disk’, such are the words of Max Piccinini. Instead of: money is destroying our world, money is saving our world… It comes therefore as no surprise that in my situation money is not flowing in even if in my own life, I am experiencing material abundance because I believe in abundance. Law of attraction. Life is exactly offering us what we believe in, what we choose to focus on. Positive and negative being ex-aequo. We think, we desire and the universe delivers. When we are afraid of a separation, life is offering us a separation. When we feel overweight, life is offering us the extra kilos in accordance with our belief.

Several months later, I had the opportunity to interview Max. The coach, who reveals to everyone sitting in front of him, whether individually or in front of an audience of 2000 people, what lies within them, which potential they have not dared to experience yet and who shatters EACH TIME all systems of beliefs, by simply thinking big. Who comes from a family who could not imagine earning more than 3000 Euros a month. Who lost his father at the age of 14 and who already had a flourishing business at the age of 21! He has succeeded and if he has, then we can do it too! We simply need discipline. A lot of discipline! And in the best case, an emotional shock followed by a revelation then by an acceptation and finally by the deep desire to change the given situation. When we think our scales show too much weight and if we wish to get out of that state while keeping on eating too much sugar and fat, we must be hardly surprised not to notice any change. But if, on the contrary, I have a healthy diet of vegetables and fruit, I practice sports on a daily basis and I feel at ease with myself, then my body also reacts in my favour. In the beginning, maybe I manage to do three push-ups but by dint of doing it every single day, maybe it will be seven the following week and fourteen the week after and so on… Step by step, with discipline, I am creating the life of my dreams! By surrounding myself with stories, people and things that have a beneficial effect on me, that nourish my soul!

First, Max shows us that the life we are living is the mirror image of what we believe. This state of being that we know, in which we feel ‘comfortable’ and magic only really happens when we shatter our patterns. When we get out of our comfort zone, when we accept the unknown, when we start dreaming bigger than we have ever imagined. When we acknowledge that the purpose of life here on Earth is not to suffer from what is given but for the pure happiness of creating, growing and loving. The universe delivers, MUST deliver. This is again the force of attraction. All of a sudden, we see in front of ourselves an ocean of possibilities and the freedom to be able to choose what we do, with whom we surround ourselves, what job we accomplish!

‘It is said that the quality of life is directly linked with our ability to get out of our comfort zone. The more we get out of that zone, the happier we are and the more we live extraordinary stories.’ Max Piccinini is living proof of that!

Being able to get to know Max was one of the greatest presents of 2015 and a huge brain wave to me! A dream converter, with his own self, his job, his relationships with the others, his vitality and his success demonstrates one point after the other how we can create an amazingly happy life for ourselves. An endless source of inspiration! And today I know that all it takes is our own discipline to create the life we are dreaming about. This is why, ladies and gentlemen, I will not give up my 7sky.life mission for anything in the world. Uniting under the same roof all the people, initiatives and companies working towards a positive evolution of our world. For this is together that we will succeed! ‘We are the change we want to see in the world.’ ‘We are the ones we have been waiting for.’ You, you, you and me… US!


Coco Tache supports



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