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Matthieu Ricard

What a privilege to be a journalist! Three of us were welcome last autumn by Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk, author of numerous books, photographer and interpret of the Holiness, Dalai Lama. The entire outcomes of his books go to humanitarian foundations and some of his books are translated into 20 languages. We actually started to feel his energy before entering his home, and when we then met, we came in touch with the softness and gentleness of this man, so demanded all around the world.

During the interview, we could greatly feel the boy inside of him, the glance in his eyes proved us his welcome and with much pride he showed us his beautiful photos of the places he loves most, the alps an the Himalya. There was not a second of hesitation when we asked him to be a part of 7sky.life! It is happening! Please meet Matthieu Ricard.

Coco Tache supports

Le bâtisseur de la cathédrale et le prince


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