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Martin Latulippe à ShareIdeas ! Entrons dans l’action ! Devenons acteurs de notre vie.

Text: Coco Tâche-Berther & Myriam Bron

For the first time in Switzerland, Canadian Martin Latulippe, Coach, speaker, author, motivator, potential enhancer, brings his powerful message of ‘Living of your Passion’ into the Swiss audience! Don’t miss 12th April 19.00 h in the D.Club in Lausanne, and discover the keys of entering a meaningful life, getting up every morning with joy and going to bed every night with satisfaction.

Martin Latulippe is a rare hybrid of business strategist, inspirational speaker and expert in leadership. His fine focused interventions, his contagious energy and his ability to lead us to real reflections put him in a single category.

Did you know that in 1970 a study was conducted with 1,500 students. 85% of them said they wanted security in their life, a secure job and a good salary. 20 years later, 101 out of them became millionaires! Only, 100 of them were amongst the 15% thriving to live out of their passion! This example was Martin’s trigger moment when he was just 22 years old. The importance of living a vibrating existence! Against all odds, he pursued his dream, and now ranks among the greatest coaches and inspirational speakers of the international Francophonie. With its training « Academy Zero limit » which encourages people to live of their passions, through his books and lectures, he offers answers to thousands of people who want to move more and more towards a life full of meaning, contribute to creating a better world, take their place in this world and somehow helps people to fulfill their life mission.

For over a decade, Martin Latulippe had the privilege to speak with hundreds of world-class organizations. He explains that the shift is imminent. “Forbes Magazine stated, that in 2020-25, 50% of the workforce are self-employed, freelancers, relieving major structures, heavy tax models, large offices. Virgin and Netflix for example, offer already unlimited vacation to their employees, considering the job done! Today, more than ever, people have a thirst for freedom, for sense. The time of the 365 days a year metro / work / sleep is over. ”

The theme couldn’t be more current. « As much for ‘the elders’, who must learn to let go of their need of control, hierarchy, as for the ‘youth’, which are asked to act in the agile leadership ‘. A new term that reaches us out of the Silicon Valley, which gives everyone the possibility to act like a leader. There is also the Mindset VUCA … Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous … and millennials are even faster! Yes, what we need to do is to build bridges between the elder and the younger. » Share Ideas has understood! Thus are positioning their conferences every first Monday of the month.

Martin is going to deliver us all his wisdom in the conference of 12th April in Lausanne. He will talk about life mission, to live through our passion, he’ll list examples of the old economic model, and the way of the new one. He will also talk about the importance of building bridge between the elder and the young generation, and the benefit that collaboration brings to both parties.

The time is now! You want to live of your passion or live WITH passion? Leave the chain which glues you to the wall of cynicism, comparisons, this is not possible, behind you ? Or simply confirm your lifestyle choices? Be there, be inspired, and we promise that you’ll come out of this Conference much richer as you’ve entered it!

About ShareIdeas.

ShareIdeas are workshops, presentations, conferences and events where you come to listen … find … share … improve your skills … boost your abilities … and develop your potential!

One idea “brilliant” can cause a spark that can change the course of your life.

Martin Latulippe will be in Lausanne April 12, 2016, for more information: www.shareideas.ch/martin-latulipppe

Coco Tache supports

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