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LoveVirus Journey II, 22nd to 27th November in the Centro d’Ompio (Italie)

Ready for LoveVirus Journey II? From November 22nd to 27th at the Centro d’Ompio at Lake Orta in Italy, 1 hour from Domodossola… yihaa, here we go again…

“In a system that pushes us to live in fear, living in love is a revolutionary act. “Valeria Kechichian, participant of the first edition.

Do you feel tired?
Are you tired of the news that you read and hear over and over again on the radio, on TV and on the net?
Do you feel that you need a real energy boost?
Do you feel that moving, dancing, meditating and practicing yoga will do you good?
Do you feel that eating healthy food will make your body happy?
Do you feel that being surrounded by wonderful people would make your heart happy?
Do you feel that letting your creativity flow would delight your mind?

If so, here’s what I suggest:
Ecstatic dancing with Keri Gonzato.
Breathwork with Sebastien Fasan,
Singing and workshops with Simone Oggier
Akashic readings with Valeria Kechichian
A journey to your child’s soul with Sonia Sarina.
Kundalini Yoga, Storytelling and Meditation with Coco Tache

After the NomadShala in Château d’Oex in August, it is the Centro d’Ompio (ompio.org) in the middle of nature with a view on the lake of Orte, 1 hour from Domodossola that will host the LoveVirus Journey II. Single and double rooms available, extraordinary shalas (spaces) with big windows. A place in the heart of nature and an exquisite vegan cuisine.

Reserve the dates from Sunday, November 22nd to Friday, November 27th for an unforgettable experience.

Prices for the week:
Workshops, meals, lodging
Double room: CHF. 880 (all included)
Single room: CHF. 1100.00 (all included)
Small budget: contact us coco@7sky.life; +41/79/208 47 84

Coco Tache supports

The lovevirus minifestival: a week of pure happiness


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