Once more, we just fell on a jewel of a short video, wonderfully illustrating what health really means, and that there are new ways to obtain it. Certainly the only real ways… wow, very excited about this project of Emmanuelle Soni-Dessaigne. And we just LOVE the underneath video, where it’s actually almost all said ! A super resume of health and who we really are, yes !
Texte: Emmanuelle Soni-Dessaigne
With all our inventions that we call progress, are we really in a safer life? More comfortable ? More alive? Higher ? More free ? More peaceful?
Today we are offered an unparalleled opportunity to redefine medicine.
In our times when PHARMACEUTICAL SCANDALS are multiplying, when modern science often seems to lead to a DEAD END, all the Fakemed tribunes targeting ANCESTRAL MEDICINES, acupuncture, homeopathy,
in our times when CHRONIC DISEASES due to our western way of life are becoming so common, while people are increasingly looking for how to take back their health in hand, when more and more people are turning to the confusing and dizzying variety of NATURAL and alternative approaches, while often lacking a SOLID and scientific SPEECH:
it seemed to me that this project WAS MORE THAN NECESSARY.
“LOVE MEDICINE is an ASSOCIATION, a BOOK and a DOCUMENTARY that brings together many personalities from all horizons: doctors, nurses, researchers, therapists, all committed to Life and the living with an heart eager to see emerging a new approach to Care. Integrative medicine, holistic and human, opened and meaningful.