Dear friends,
The year 2025 has begun! Resolutions have been made.
And everything can still be determined. Let’s never forget that problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.
Therefore, in this ‘love’letter, I express a wish for all of us: let’s practice presence and connection with ourselves, others, and nature.
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Let’s connect with our true essence, the BEING that we have always been, that we are and that we will always be. Let’s find ways to raise our vibration, so as not to succumb to gloom and mistakenly believe that we can’t get out of it.
Our presence, love and will and the connection with the divine,
is the answer to get out of the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into!
I am delighted because, on January 11th to 12th, my dear friend Sonia Sarina, herself such an inspiring and nature-connected guide, has had the intuition in the end 2024 to organize a consciousness summit, called the “Align with your Cosmic Essence Online Summit,” where twelve women will share their essence on this topic (the whole summit is in English). My contribution is on Saturday, 11th, 4pm.
For me, it’s a wonderful invitation to acquire some very important tools for 2025, to master this year wonderfully, and to bring hope and inspiration back into our lives.
(Just in case we have forgotten who we truly are :).
And for the French speaking man and women amongt us: Offer yourself “Rendez-vous avec la Joie” a 40-day training (7-15 minutes daily) in joy and faith! Available to you anytime and on a benevolant level on Coco Tache.
With much love and wishing you a 2025
full of love, health, joy and abundance,
Your Coco***