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Louis Derungs

When suddenly plenty of people around you start to talk with you about a very inspiring soul, you start to wonder, what it is that this person emanates. And well, through the wonders of life, suddenly you meet him through beautiful circumstances, and you get hit as well! Louis Derungs is 23 years old. Through a severe accident 4 years ago – where he got a discharge of 15’000 volts walking during a night in a stormy and rainy night next to a trailway –he went into coma for 6 weeks! When he woke up, he had no more arms, his upper body was burnt to the rips and his phantom pains were ferocious, … In order to not suffocate under the pain, he took tons of pills. Followed one year of rehabilitation. It was then, when he slowly but surely arouse in his true potential… as a student, entrepreneur, inventor, boyfriend, speaker, author, inspiration!.. As we met him at Max’s Destination Reussite in Paris, he told us how through these years he regained what he had already learnt once, a second time. And as he didn’t agree with the amount of pills he had to swallow every day, he invented a self-hypnotic method that helped him replace those!… Today, this method starts to be proposed in hospitals as replacements for anaesthesia! From one day to the other, he became entrepreneur.

He invented a shower that washes his hair and that he can use in total autonomy. And because he loves cooking, he invented arms for cooking! He has an incredible physical form, works out daily between 2 and three hours, and while others sleep, he stands up at 4.30, to allow him to organise his day in great calmness.

He offers us this beautiful quote: “While nothing is certain, everything is possible”. It is his way of giving value to what has happened to him and to be proud of his life! For him, uncertainty has become a good news!!! He also puts an accent on that there are things that depend on us, and others not, and that we should rather put our focus on what depends on us. He talks of freedom, of space, where we can express our singularity, and create and sculpt a project after our image. He says that all humans are all diamonds with multiple facets, and that it’s up to us to polish them. He also says that many people believe that they cannot influence their lives, but with this reasoning, he doesn’t cope!

And at the end, this very radiant confident man says, that he hopes that one day, people are going to remember him not for what he has lost, but for what he has brought to the people! He already does, now!!!… What a man, what an inspirationJ..

Coco Tache supports

Max Piccinini - The Wow Moment


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