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The more we slow down our mind, the more we access the intelligence of our heart

For more than 20 years, the Heart Math Institute has produced consistent and intentionally simple techniques based on scientific research. They demonstrate that the heart is the gateway to a natural internal technology and that the intuitive intelligence of our heart can elevate our communications, decisions and choices to a much higher level of efficiency.

They speak of our intuition as being energetic gold, and they say that our energetic heart sends a constant stream of intuitive information to the mind and brain, of which we only use a small percentage for most of the time because the choices of the ego take precedence over our intuitive suggestions. And the more we slow down our mind, the more we access the intelligence of the heart.

To listen to your heart, what a beautiful program.

Esther supports

Alike. Laissons parler notre coeur d'enfant


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