This is a story of how I stepped out of my comfort zone to start pursueing my dreams. At the time I was 16 years old with a big life ahead of me and big plans. The only way I could achieve what I really wanted to do is to quit high school and start pursueing writing and video editing. Everybody around me said that I am crazy for doing so because I would not get anywhere if I quit school. Even my own parents were not supportive about it. But that didn’t stop me, I knew what I wanted to do and the time it would take me to get there. I wasn’t scared, I was excited to do something that most of us don’t dare to do, and that was following my heart. I said to myself that most we all listen to what others have to say before thinking for ourselves. And I understood how much we were afraid of what we thave been told, like you won’t achieve anything without a good education. We all heard that line at least once in our life time. Yes, we just have to be willing to work hard! I quit school, which doesn’t mean that I stopped learning. I read books, completed online courses, watched plenty of youtube tutorial videos, heck, I believe that even movies taught me more than schools with their current system. These days we can achieve pretty much anything and we don’t need a diploma for that. We all know the feeling of being ‘pressured to do something’ we don’t want to do, and school is often just like that. Of course I speak for myself with the hope to connect with some of you. But imagine that we have no attachments, that we are free human beings like we are meant to be. That we have all the time in the world, and that we do what we love to do. That we live a stress free life, filled with happiness. I truly wish to inspire others, to make them see the world for what it truly is, understanding that we can all decide about our own fate, our own path we walk. Instead of walking down the road, let’s take a left-turn and enjoy the fields. I thought to myself: if we don’t live for eternity, why wouldn’t I want to “grow up”, forget what’s it like to have fun and work in a dead end job and being miserable. I took my fate into my own hands and started to live a life, full of hope, happiness, excitement, enthusiasm and passion. And if can do it, we all can do it. Let’s follow our stoke, everything will work out!