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Life can’t go wrong

Text: Jeff Foster

“In reality, your world is arranged in such a way that nothing happens to you but everything happens for you – for your awakening, for your growth, for your inspiration, for your exploration – even if you forget that, or sometimes can’t see it, even if sometimes you fall into distraction and despair.

Without a fixed destination, you can never lose your destination; thus you never lose your way, so that nothing that happens to you in your life can turn you away from your path.

Your path is what happens, and what happens is your path.

There is no other one.
Everything is a gift on this indestructible path that you call your life – laughter, tears, moments of great sorrow, experiences of deep loss, pain, confusion, moments when you think you will never succeed, and even the overwhelming sorrow of love – even if you sometimes forget that, sometimes you can’t see it, or sometimes you lose all faith in the show.

But even losing faith in the show is part of the show, and even the scene where something goes wrong does not mean that the show itself goes wrong, and so you are always exactly where you need to be, believe it or not, even if you don’t understand.
You can absolutely trust life, even when trust seems a million kilometres away, because life cannot go wrong, because everything is life, and life is everything.

Understand this, know it in your heart: spirituality is profoundly simple, as simple as breathing, as natural as looking at the stars at night and falling into silent wonder.

The universe is much more beautiful than you could have imagined.”

Source: Divinepagaille

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